Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Sermon


Strive to enter by the narrow gate, says Christ, and woe to those who don't,  "I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.” Depart and go where? To that place of wailing and gnashing of teeth, to Hell. Terrifying, not least to the wicked pharisees who presumed on salvation by virtue of birthright and letter of the Law, but nonetheless hated God. 

"They are enemies of the cross," blasts St. Paul to the Philippians, "Their end is destruction. Their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame." As with the pharisee so with us in what was once Christendom. Dominant cultural orthodoxy (DCO) rejects the crucified Christ, the narrow gate, as far too narrow minded.

So in the interest of broad mindedness, tolerance and liberty we're told there is no one truth, religious or otherwise, only opinion. You know the mantra, I've got my truth, you've got yours. Welcome to the age of narrative and note, narrative and fiction go hand in hand. No wonder we're deluged at every level with a barrage of lies.

That aside, the whole project sounds so rainbow utopia, so listening to John Lennon's Imagine on continuous loop. How very tolerance, I've got my truth, you've got yours. But hold on, there is no truth only opinion translates to, "Reality, truth, is whatever I decide it to be."

Welcome to satanic pride. Reality, truth, is whatever you decide it to be, emphasis on you decide. And what happens. Sure, you're the master of the universe, so get out there and own all the kingdoms of the world, greed. Fill your belly with the surfeit, stones to bread, and while you're at it throw yourself off the Temple and dare the God you don't believe in to do his worst. Reject the narrow way in favor of the broad. 

Go right ahead, just don't be surprised when you're locked out of paradise on account of your opposition to it. Wailing and gnashing of teeth? Don't say Yoko Ono. Instead, return to the Lord with a humble and contrite heart.

God bless,



  1. You Decide.....the ultimate test of Free Will.

  2. The "all truth is relative" plays well at Harvard (Satan's Vatican) and on Wall Street, but you can't drop that card at the bar of judgment.

  3. Have you read Escape from Christendom?

  4. Long ago I dreamed of walking up a mountain. The road was steep, but not too difficult. I met a man who was walking down the mountain. He said, "The told me I did not have to stay this time. Maybe they will let you stay." I asked if there was water. "I am thirsty," I said. The man replied, "There is water."

    There was much more to the dream, but it is too long for here. I made it to the mountain top.

  5. "That aside, the whole project sounds so rainbow utopia, so listening to John Lennon's Imagine on continuous loop. How very tolerance, I've got my truth, you've got yours. But hold on, there is no truth only opinion translates to, "Reality, truth, is whatever I decide it to be."

    That encapsulate the whole German RC Church schism (or what will soon be schism). And Pope Frank is too busy removing a Puerto Rican bishop for being a Covid Truther to notice.

    Kyrie Eleison.

  6. I've been, kinda, following the German ting, DOS, and it's been brewing for decades. You'd think they'd be honest and leave but no, they're on a mission.

    They'll lose, ultimately.

  7. I love that, Sgt., let's reach the mountain top and its streams of living water.

  8. I haven't Ed, but know I should've.

  9. LL, when the householder locks the gate there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Not least from the Kremlin on the Charles.

  10. Exactly, drjim, and which way do we go? To paradise, by the grace of God.
