Friday, March 11, 2022



"So why do you support the 2nd Amendment?" asked a betasoy reporter from the laughable Dallas Morning Morning News. I replied, quick as a flash, mind like a veritable steel trap, "Because freedom," and off he wandered into the untamed jungle of a gun show.

Truck Gun

Seriously, isn't the ability to defend yourself one of the hallmarks of a free society? Sure, we pass that on to the State and the police, but what happens when they turn against you, which of course has never happened ever in the history of ever.

Just Some Guns

More than that, why should some kind of nanny state be precisely that, a nanny treating its citizens as toddlers in a transsexual kindergarten. No guns for you, infants, you might hurt zhirself! So put on three masks and get vaxxed so you'll be all safe, until you die of a heart attack or worse from an experimental gene serum foisted on you by Big Pharma and agitprop MSM.

Typical Pistols

Likewise, why should we hand over, as though it was a good thing, our existence and well-being to a secular state run by an ultra rich transnational elite which regards us as so many pawns/dirtpeople/untermensch to be sacrificed on the altar of their power. Why indeed.

What's with the fancy coat, so-called "LSP"?

In this country we're blessed by the Founding Fathers who put the right to bear arms into the DNA of America, a very difficult stone to dislodge. And for those attempting to do so, a rifleman behind every blade of grass.

Shoot straight,



  1. Hope it doesn't come to that, but I'm prepared...

  2. "So why do you support the 2nd Amendment?"

    Because it tells .gov to keep their grubby hands off my God given rights.

  3. There is a billboard on HWY 26 in Nebraska that sums up the (P)regressive mindset. From memory, may not be exact. "There are 54 million children living in homes with unlocked and loaded firearms". My reaction? "Why s that any of your business".

  4. A Ruger Security Six. I bought one years ago for a song back when police were switching to auto pistols. Very nice revolver.

  5. Georgia just passed their “Constitutional carry law”, which basically supports 2A. (Duh?!) Kudos to them
    , but why the hay do we need this? Of yeah, that’s right, because the scumbag representatives have worked hard to undermine the very document they are required to uphold. This first move could permeate across the land, like the oil producers in Montana restarting their wells despite Brandon’s destructive domestic drilling edicts.

  6. Talking is over regards 2A. We've made our arguments enough. People either get it or they don't.

  7. Whatever happens
    We have got
    The Lee-Enfield rifle
    And they have nukes and fighter jets.

    For now......

  8. Same here, NFO. Dear Lord....

  9. Exactly, WSF.

    We OWN that billboard.

  10. I think, Jim, that it's one of LL's. Very nice firearm.

  11. Yes, Kid, we've left argument behind.

  12. Wild! Are you working on a haiku!?!

    Remember -- 5, 7, 5 :)

  13. Nope, just a rip off on the old

    Whatever happens, we have got
    The Maxim gun, and they do not.

  14. That's interesting, Wild. I have/had a friend who makes Brens, all kinds of .303 kinetics.
