Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Ad Inferos


This man's been made a Knight. Please don't throw up in your mouth.

And this corrupt old charlatan's the most popular president in the history of the United States.

They say, perhaps unkindly, that people get the kind of government they deserve. Perhaps so, but surely we the people deserve better than these fraudulent, self-serving, corrupt, deceitful, malfeasant, snake oil mountebanks.

Perhaps, at some point, people will rise up against our ruling gerontocracy and say enough's enough. Ad Inferos. I don't say that lightly.

Over to you, gentle readers,



  1. I have no idea who Sir Whatshisname is, Parson, so I'll keep my lunch down....

  2. If you believe that rot about President Happy there, I have an authentic Texas barbecue joint in Connecticut you might be interested in buying.

  3. I know biden has no idea what a POS he is, but I sometimes wonder if his POS wife has any idea how fake, illegitimate, and worthless she and joey are. No way to go through life as they say.

  4. Let's face it. The western world is - not so slowly - committing suicide. I fully expect Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, to be re-elected. To paraphrase Stalin: "It's not important who votes. What's important is who counts the votes."

  5. What about getting the Queen to dub Brandon a knight? She has to knight him Sir Brandon...

  6. I'll refrain from saying anything untoward...ahh, forget that...these two are a couple of reprobate bums who know they are pulling a fast one, having thusfar escaped the woodshed beating they deserve. There, I feel better.

  7. drjim, it's Tony Blair! Look that satan up.

  8. Does anyone believe it, WWW?

  9. Kid, I'm not sure I want to go there :)

  10. Sure looks that way, Infidel. Weird to watch it play out, eh?

  11. LL, Mr. Lessco Brandon is always welcome at the Mess. Obvs.

  12. Tony Blair! Yes, I know who he is. Just didn't recognize him in the photo.
