Wednesday, September 15, 2021

These People Are Sick


This is the man Leftists are attempting to erase from history beacsue he was such a racist. Read on and thanks, RHT, for the recall:

Presiding over the devotions was the Rev. Dr. Charles Minnegerode, the church’s rector for almost a decade. He had been similarly engaged on that fateful April 2 when, just prior to Holy Communion, the church sextant hurried over to the pew of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and handed the chief executive a message telling of the collapse of the defenses around Petersburg and the necessity for evacuating Richmond that night.

Now, as Minnegerode again attempted to administer the sacrament, upheavals in temporal affairs elbowed their way once more into the spiritual domain. When the front ranks of the congregation rose from their seats, a well-dressed black man advanced to the altar and knelt before the railing to receive Communion. In that instant, centuries-old conventions of racial hierarchy and social propriety were being cast aside, and it literally paralyzed the attendees. There was absolute silence in the church for some moments, as the remainder of the communicants remained fixed in their seats. Minnegerode himself stood motionless, uncertain how to respond to this sudden, palpable demonstration of all that Confederate defeat signified.

Then, without a word, General Lee rose from his family pew midway down the length of the church on its eastern side. He strode down the aisle to the chancel rail and kneeled reverently alongside the stranger. The lesson was unmistakable and the effect magical. The living embodiment of the South had pronounced by his action an acceptance of racial coexistence, rejecting the differences between black and white in favor of a shared Christian identity. Lee’s fellow parishioners, who moments before would have recoiled at such a suggestion, followed their old commander’s example and began to do likewise.

Whoa. This is the man our new corporate sponsored Maoists are screaming about because he was such a POC hater? What? Watch, as hubris evolves into nemesis. Yes, these people are sick.

Your Friend,



  1. The (P)regressives are self loathing and believe everyone should be as miserable as them. How dare we be joyful when their life is a dung heap. My answer to them is your road is your own asphalt.

  2. One noble act doesn't make up for 4 yrs of bloodshed in defense of slavery. You know my feelings on the South and "The Lost Cause" and the hero-worship that resulted. In a different era and country, Lee and the rest of the Confederacy would have been hung, shot, or drawn-and-quartered for treason/rebellion/mutiny. The graciousness of the North in victory coupled with the failure of Reconstruction has brought us to today. While I don't agree with how they're being taken down and the general insanity sweeping the US, statues of Lee, etc. should never have been erected in the first place. Same goes for naming Army bases after Southern generals and the like.

    Now the removal without a whimper of protest of the statute of TR from in front of the Natural History museum in NY by Cuomo and Ellen Futter (president of AMNH) and the acquiescence of the Roosevelt family in its removal is a travesty far worse than taking down a statue of Lee.

  3. No one accused the left of being intelligent. WSF is right, they are miserable people. Happy people don't run around doing the stuff they do. Happy people get on with their lies instead of trying to screw up other lives.

    They'd vote for biden, a pedophile(proof on youtube), a racist(proof on youtube) in a heartbeat today and everyday. I have no doubt, it would only take some puke stan on CNN telling them to and they'd stone Jesus Christ tomorrow.

  4. They 'think' they've won, so THEY are going to rewrite history to 'their' way of thinking...

  5. Mr. WSF, I second your motion.

  6. T, I've been waiting for your blast against the iniquities of the South and the postwar "agreement" is a curious thing, for sure. Regardless, we can debate the thing and pound the mahogany over dinner some day if the stars align, with the caveat: NO LOADED WEAPONS at the table.

    But taking down the statue of TR? Wow. What a scandal, right with you. And will someone rid us of the monstrous regiment of tin-pot, corporate shill, mountebank Maoists? Please?

  7. I think they're nihilists, Kid, and their Father is Satan. A murderer from the beginning.

  8. Until nothing remains, NFO, but a rainbow Wellington boot, stamping on a human face forever.
