Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Well What Have We Here


Well, well, a Millionaire Socialist (#MillSoc) mountebank. Like really, you pay $30k or someone does for you to attend a dinner with a table price of over 200k. And guess what, you're not standing. Don't say bad optics.

But so what, wear that ha-ha-irony frock and have fun, photogenic AOC, while all your masked POC slaves wait on your whim. What brazen, literal, in your face hypocrisy. 

Imagine. There you are, a waiter, a poor Latinx POC, wearing a mandated mask, while your wealthy, elite Hollywood Congressional rulers live it up, maskless and free. 

You get the message, knuckle under, you masked serfs, and maybe you'll get a big tip from your rulers. If you're lucky.

How utterly disgusting, at every level.

Your Upbeat Pal,



  1. Unfortunately we better get used to AOC. She's going to be in Congress for decades to come. It's a solid Democratic district she represents. And even if by some miracle she loses an election MSNBC or CNN will simply give her a TV show (while paying her millions to bitch about the rich.)

  2. Let them eat -- Oh, they can't eat anything. They're wearing masks.

  3. On the plus side, it camouflages her ample posterior.

  4. Lefties look at this, but don't See.

  5. When you worship Baal, you can do most anything you want. It's too progressive for words.

  6. You nailed it, and didn't even cuss! Proud of you!

  7. God must be weeping at what the greatest nation Under God has become. But the people scream “Give us Barabbas!”, and the Power Elite are more than accommodating.

  8. Loses an election, Infidel? That's very old skool. Anyway, masked serfs have no business voting anyway. Their role is to serve their MillSoc rulers.

  9. Sgt, I'd say Antionette was a saint compared to this crew.

  10. There is that, WSF. And it's clearly some kind of joke, you can see how amusing the wait serfs find it.

  11. They have eyes, JOG, but they do not see. And you'd think they would, given the bizarrely anti-left visuals of the thing. Have they been blinded by Satan?

  12. Yes, LL. The Baal worshipers celebrate their freedom as they impose tyranny. At what point does hubris become nemesis?

  13. What a turgid, malfeasant, corrupt episode in the life of our country, Bob.

  14. I try, NFO, I try. Hard not to cuss tho.

  15. Such a scandal, drjim, thanks for the plaudit.

  16. I couldn't agree more, Paul. And look what happened to the nation which voted for Barabbas. It's said that the fire which engulfed the Temple Mount was intense that metal, some of it precious, melted into the foundations of the thing, so the soldiers dug it up. Not a stone was left unturned.


  17. If you could be so generous as to pardon my North American, it looks like a couple of boobs.

  18. Must have been something wrong with the KJV translation. Apparently we have more than one Whore of Babylon to look forward to.

    With apologies to my Mother, my wife, your Mother and wife, your sister, daughter, grand-daughter, cousins and nieces, et al, I kinda can't help but wonder if the Taliban might maybe not be on to something after all.

  19. I was thinking that, WWW. With apologies to all, obvs.
