Thursday, September 16, 2021

Alberta Goes Full COVID Stasi


Alberta, Canada's most conservative province, has gone full COVID Stasi. Starting today, and via Zero:

All Canadians must mask up at work, and any Canadians who can must work from home. Individuals must provide proof of vaccination, or a recent negative test, simply to enter a business - and the unvaccinated will not be permitted to attend any private indoor social gatherings as well.


The unvaccinated will not be permitted to attend any private indoor social gatherings. Better stay in your pod, unvaxxed serf and starve, because science. That's not all, the vaxxed are allowed to leave their slave quarters and even enjoy the privilege of "indoor social gatherings,"  but only if ten vaxxed people or less are involved. From Alberta's new "rules on social gatherings":

Vaccinated: Indoor private social gatherings are limited to a single household plus one other household to a maximum of 10 vaccine-eligible, vaccinated people and no restrictions on children under 12.


Lucky Albertan children, you're exempt from showing vax papers, for now.  In the meanwhile, who or what got to Jason Kenney, the province's premier. Apparently, in a fit of tragic science, the "health system being overwhelmed" did it. 

Now where have we heard that before. Perhaps you remember the hospital ships and pop-up "Florence Nightingales" which hardly saw a single patient. Then again, keen-eyed readers of this incisive mind blog might remember Obama's maskless birthday party or the equally maskless Met Gala, maskless unless you're a serf, obviously.  

You Malfeasant Frauds

You'd almost think our overlords didn't believe in their own mandates, as though they were the sort of people who'd buy million dollar socialist seaside property in the face of catastrophic climate change. Again, I ask, who got to Jason Kenney?

It's a fruity little dictatorship

Good luck, Canada,



  1. Bet that doesn't apply to moslems

  2. I'm amazed the citizens let it stand. Have they lost their spines?

  3. I remember one commentator being asked about the risk of infection at Obama's birthday party and he said "Come on. These are SOPHISTICATED people."

    I guess the virus only attacks the proles. Because, science, or something.

  4. Such a fruity little dictatorship, Kid.

  5. Sure seems that way, WSF. Wow.

  6. Well yes, Infidel. Our rulers are immune from the serf virus. That's why they must protect us. Science.

  7. I guess that the flu in Canada has ended for all time. Just lock yourself in a closet and don't drink your Soylent Green through a plastic straw and it will all work out.

  8. Precisely, LL. Because Science.
