Monday, January 11, 2021

Your Mind Has Left your Body


Just be sure and pick it up on your way out the door.




  1. Grace Slick - she had a few issues, LSP. Ok, more than just a few. That notwithstanding, she cut quite a broad swath through early San Francisco summers of love. She dropped a LOT of acid, and lived, as far as I know, to 2021. Go ask Alice if you have any questions.

  2. I can so identify with Grace and her life trajectory. I love her art, even though some of it is not to my personal taste, I can certainly recognize her talent. And........she looks wonderful for an 81 yo lady.

    I wonder what Janis would have become if she hadn't died at 27.

  3. Can I trade it for another one??? Just askin' :-)

  4. drjim, she sure could sing! Beautiful then, too.

  5. One of the things that surprises me, LL, is that she LIVED.

    OK, I wasn't there, but...

    What a great voice, imo.

  6. Adrienne, I know it's a bit like saying "my mom was a model in the '60s" but my Aunt used to visit Joplin's ranch. I asked her what Woodstock was like. She replied, "Like the movie." She hated Led Zep, oddly.

    And she's alive? Good! I haven't checked out the art...

  7. NFO, I was thinking exactly the same thing!

  8. As usual, late to the party, pal, but here's George Benson doing the Airplane thing, back in the Creed Taylor days 40 years ago more or less, most decidedly not Led Zep [I'm holdin' hands with your Auntie on that one, LSP; they suck]:

    Some really, really good musicians on that album......

  9. I hadn't heard that, WWW!

    I like it, a lot. Nice one.

  10. @WWW - Thanks for posting that link. I'd heard that version before, but didn't know George Benson did it. I have a couple of his albums, and I've seen him live, just didn't know he did that up-beat, jazzy version of White Rabbit.

    @LSP - Gracie's a true survivor, and AFAIK, she's the one who said "Alcohol and cocaine can make a great big fat asshole out of ANYBODY!".....

  11. drjim, she surely has a point!
