Monday, January 11, 2021



Yeah, thanks but no thanks, and so the Night of the Long Routers continues. For goodness sake, don't these geeks have anything better to do than x out small MAGA accounts? Apparently not. So I fell back on Gab and post there @LSP, not that it's easy to access because Gab's getting around 500k+ new users a day, and their servers are swamped. But here's the thing.

How long before Gab et al get taken down for, I don't know, domestic terrorism. For that matter, how much longer will Blogger tolerate anything that's not globalist, millionaire/billionaire socialist Google party line? I'm not betting the aging monkey.

Maybe we need to fall back on coded handwritten letters, perhaps in Greek - see Indian Mutiny - courier pigeons, steam powered free-press servers and speakeasies (what? Ed.). Or something like that, but make no mistake, our Corporate Overlords and their political shills are barreling down the pike to silence their competition. See Parler, nuked.

What's amusing, to me, is the spectacle of rank and file NYT style Dems supporting this in the name of STICK IT TO THE MAN! Like what, Tech, Banks, Hollywood, the Military Industrial Complex, Academia, Media, Pfizer, and Chase have become magical icons of anti-establishment freedom? 

Bizarre ain't in it. In the meanwhile, the snow melts at the Compound but was great while it lasted. More please.




  1. Mass hysteria like their team won the Super Bowl, IMO. Most need a glass belly button so they can see where the are going with their heads............

  2. Yup. A world gone crazy like a clockwork orange....

  3. Yeeted I believe is the term.

    From this side of the pond it does look like the whole of the USA is about to go postal.

  4. Krystalnacht on Twitter...

    They need to all wear brown shirts to feel more like a team.

  5. Scott Lively, over at WND, posted an article "5 steps to survive the Marxist Purge" and pretty much said what I've been saying for many weeks. He emphasizes having paper back up for contacts and anything else of importance (and keeping it in a safe place), the possibility of having to resort to snail mail, and having a land line as back up. These are things I've been doing for years. It's pretty hard, if not impossible, to escape the matrix, but we can certainly lessen our footprint.

    While I'm on Twatter, I've had almost nothing to do with it. And Facecrap has only been a place to keep up with local political happenings. I too wonder when Blogger will crack down on us deplorables, and I'm already exploring options like a private server arrangement. LL was ahead of the curve on that issue

  6. Then again, these alternates might all be traps.

  7. I left Twitter a few months ago and went to Parler. But now I don't even have that. Who knows when or if Parler will be back up.

  8. Our first home PC OS was Win 95. My only social media ever have been email and text message. In times past, there were folks looked at me a bit sideways. The look in their eyes is a bit different these days.

  9. They smell blood in the water, WSF. You'd think the leftists would be able to see the dark, corrupt hearts of their new overlords. But no, the glass bellybutton's been painted over with a thin coat of identity politics and lipservice cultural Marxism.

    Yay! We get trans toilets in kindergarten! Whaddya mean wages are down because of immigration, NAZI!


  10. Haven't watched that cinematic classic in ages, drjim.

  11. Anon, tempers are high and no wonder.

    Speaking of postal, imagine the scene if 45 had won the election. But his supporters are the extremists? Really? How many cities have been torched and shops looted since Nov 3. Will that change?

    I don't know, but I do know that ALL the shotgun ammo's gone from the local Walmart, as well as every other kind. I've never seen that before, ever. So.

  12. As we discussed, Night of the Long Routers, LL.

    For what it's worth, I don't think it's a very good way of cancelling opposition to the Uniparty. Just enough to get people really pissed off and radical but not enough to crush the enemy. Hints of Red Terror but without the actual terror.

    I imagine Dzerzhinsky scowling, "Amateurs."

  13. Adrienne, I'm amazed this shallow mind blog's still up... that said, hosting your own site/s takes bandwidth and all of that. Still, worth looking into, I am.

    Then there's that strange concept. Actually writing letters! I used to do that a lot and I liked it. Of course they'll have to be written in code, but so be it.

    As for the idiotic Facebook... I keep an account to post pix of snow, flags, my dog, the occasional gun (! not that I have any) and to keep up with church people. Twitter can go hang.

  14. Infidel, I think Parler's negotiating with Gab's host so it may be up in a little while. I prefer Gab's interface etc but it's really slow right now -- over a million new users every day or two.

    Still, per Adrienne, we'll doubtless have to learn to write letters again, which is interesting.

    When everything crashes down, which it surely will, and there's no more electricity, we'll be the ones who know how to read and write. We'll know how to shoot too, obviously. Not a bad place to be.

  15. I have to say, RHT, a lot of people have been asleep at the wheel. Maybe this is a wake up call.

  16. "Night of the Long Routers"....

    I like that.

  17. First, great to speak with you last night.

    Second, "Pixelnacht" - appropriate. I was listening to Glenn Beck today and he's in hot water for saying this is a ghettoization of Conservatives... and all the (hawk spit) good little lib Jews (alas, my fellow Yids) are lining up to ostracize him.

    Soon, as the Islamist-loving Biden administration sells Israel to the Jihadists, and the Jews cry out, well, sorry, you voted for this.

  18. It has a certain ring to it, drjim, I think.

  19. Great to talk, N!

    Let's see how this neocon sh*tshow parading under the guise of tolerance and love progresses.
