Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Listen to The Patriarch

Remember this, Russia escaped from beneath the talons of the Beast. We will too. Stand firm.

That is all,



  1. Yes but it took Russia almost 100 years to shake off communism. We will shake it off to. But I fear none of us will be alive when it happens. It will be up to our children and grandchildren to bring back a "new birth of freedom."

  2. That is SUCH an uplifting message!! No matter what one's faith, it's important to know that NO "evil empire" can separate the faithful from God!!! I loved how they celebrated - now freely and openly in Russia! - their Christian faith! It's a lesson for EVERYONE! Thanks for the beautiful and important reminder - especially in these dark times!

  3. Infidel, I was thinking exactly the same thing as I posted the video. Let's hope and pray that's not the case.

  4. I thought you might like that, jd! Uplifting, eh? And stirring to boot.

  5. He sure doesn't mess around with the holy water. Wonderful message, LSP

  6. So uplifting, Adrienne! They haven't forgotten the Faith. Neither have we, but it's dormant, imo.
