Monday, December 7, 2020

Never Forget


Via 45:

On this National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we recall the phrase “Remember Pearl Harbor,” which stirred the fighting spirit within the hearts of the more than 16 million Americans who courageously served in World War II. Over 400,000 gave their lives in the global conflict that began, for our Nation, on that fateful Sunday morning. Today, we memorialize all those lost on December 7, 1941, declare once again that our Nation will never forget these valiant heroes, and resolve as firmly as ever that their memory and spirit will survive for as long as our Nation endures.

Amen to that,



  1. "As Long As Our Nations Endures".....

    Sobering thought, isn't it?

  2. Amen. Posted today about my friend Nate who was there.

  3. A different breed of young men. The world hasn’t seen anything like it.

  4. 400,000. That’s absolutely crazy. What a different breed of men. It really shows how privileged we are as of late LSP.

  5. I worked with a man who was 4 going on 5 whose father was a navy officer at Pearl Harbor. He remembers seeing a Japanese plane fly low over their home while he was out in the yard. He said someone in the plane waved at him.

  6. May they rest in peace, and all those Navy divers and others who had to resurrect the fleet, with all that entailed. Those men had to live with the nightmares for the rest of their lives.

  7. What would happen if Pearl harbor was attacked today? We'd probably have a group therapy session on white privilege and then President Biden would ask us to plant a tree of take a Japanese person to lunch to overcome systemic racism.

  8. As an institution the Church has failed the people. However, there are some Priests who took their calling seriously and stand-out because of their devotion to their flock and their refusal to deny them the Mass.

    I guess: "Many are called, but few are chosen".

  9. Ed, I've never met anyone who was there, which is odd. Well, they sure stepped up to the plate.

  10. Glad you worked out how to comment, John :)

    And yes, puts my generation to shame...

  11. And yes, JEL, quite a breed of men and you're part of that.

  12. Oh my, NSF, people don't think about that...

  13. Whoa, Infidel! And perhaps send precious origami boats across the water to land at Yoko's prayer garden of peace?

    Just a thought.

  14. Anon, there's many good priests but seemingly fewer good bishops.
