Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Church And 2020


What a year and who'd have thought it. A virus with a 99.?%  recovery rate shutting down the country and the rest of the West. Rampaging mobs of Anarcho-Marxists burning and looting in Democrat cities with apparent immunity. 

An election which saw hundreds of thousands of ballots, all for Biden and no down ticket, delivered in coolers and suitcases in the dead of night. Nothing shady, weird and duplicitous there. I mean to say, this is Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee and on.

Wow, talk about a brazen coup on the part of our establishment elite, China-shilling Uniparty. Who knows, maybe the color revolution will stall, falter and die at Supreme Court level without a shot being fired, or very few. We can but hope, but in the meanwhile, where's the Church?

You'd think, would you not, that the Church, across all her denominations would have something decisive to say. Like, "Abortion at the point of birth is really evil, you can't be a Christian and vote for politicians who support it." Or, "Marxism is inherently anti-Christ and Christians do not and should not support it," regardless of variants. Likewise, "Deceit, lies and corruption destroy our common life, our polity, and should be exposed and brought to justice. The light of the Gospel and Christ Himself demand it." 

Or something like that. But instead? Silence or mewling complicity. Shut down the churches in slavish obedience to the State, even as you put on your made in China mask. Apologize to the Marxists. Say nothing about the theft of an election. Stand still in your faux leather boots while religious freedom and what's left of Western Christendom is trampled under the smiling rainbow-hued hoof of the unicorn. A vicious beast.

Seriously, the utter, craven, subservient, cowardice of our Christian leaders at this crucial moment is astounding. At best they're silent, at worst complicit in their total failure to provide the Faithful with clear direction and leadership. 

Granted, there are exceptions, such as Cardinal Vigano and, here in the Diocese of Fort Worth, Ryan Reed. Otherwise it's deer in the headlights stasis. Take note, Bishops, Archbishops and assorted Quislings, just because you stand still in the face of an onrushing truck doesn't mean it won't run over and obliterate you. 

To shoot from another angle, by all means go against the Holy Spirit but be prepared to be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit.

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Ave Eva,



  1. When our pastor put up a yuuuuge red Trump flag in front of the rectory (next door) and has a window Trump flag flying on his car, I knew I was in good hands.

    The silence from the rest of the so-called shepherds is disheartening - to say the least.

  2. Sorry to say that Fr. Vigano is not a cardinal; just a bishop. But still...I don't think I'll ever again be able to look at a photo of Churchill holding up the vee for victory without thinking "Vigano!". dit dit dit dah.

  3. Sorry, Anon, me too. I always think he's a Cardinal, of course he should be.


  4. Congrats to your pastors, Adrienne.


  5. As an unchurched idler, it is not for me to say what religious leaders should do. Maybe if I saw the same leaders actually doing something, my status might, just might, change. Locally there are some who open their community rooms to patriot organizations. Very few, but some.

  6. Well said, Parson!

    To my way of thinking, at least these days, the Church has been far too quiet on abortion since Roe v. Wade.

  7. I’m Catholic from a very small rural parish. I’m appalled by some of the statements from our left wing Pope. Early in the pandemic apparently he said the virus wa Gods punishment for not dealing with global warming. Also some kind of statement about Christianity not believing in private property. I agree that many of the lesser clergy don’t speak out about the current evils like they should!

  8. There is a choice - God or mammon.

    We know where many/most of the good church leadership stands today, and they are either shy, retiring or timid (unlike Christ) or they are full blown devil worshipers in sheep's clothing.

    Yes, a very few speak out boldly, and with conviction. But it's a business and for the most part ALL churches don't want an interruption in the cashflow.

  9. Father Frank Pavone is standing up and speaking out. When told that isn't his place as a priest, he fights back saying this is precisely his role to speak truth.

  10. What everyone said - WSF, Drjim, LL in particular. From the 10000 foot level, Christianity is in trouble. My association with it has been 8 years of Catholic grade school, lots of church attendance with family in the earlier years, not so much now though. When I am in church for some reason which has lately been a funeral mass for someone I know or family, I appreciate what the churches have offered in these services to their communities and regard them as a wanted and appreciated element of a good society.

    That said, the only things visible to most of the public are pedophile priests and a Marxist Pope. Doesn't get a lot of interest or respect when viewing through that lens. I can only imagine what the average young person thinks about it as that is likely all they've been exposed to. Not good, and it could be very beneficial for priests and any clergy who can get a listen to boldly go and speak. Not like most people are going to go ask for their guidance.

  11. LSP: I attempted to post a link on FB, but Zuckerberg's Al Go Rhythms slapped me and said your site violates FB community standards. Instead, I posted the link and comments here:


  12. Sad state of affairs... And not surprised that the Catholics are pulling their horns in. They have 'enough' problems now...

  13. Thanks, drjim. Totally agree, not least on R v. W.

    What a wicked scandal of apostasy and cowardice.

  14. Howard, stand strong in the Faith.

    Christ, and his mystical body which is the Church, militant, expectant, triumphant, have the victory.

    Who knows, perhaps even the episcopate will begin to catch on.

  15. Interesting Mammon point, LL, and I won't disagree. And again, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world but...

    But here's the thing, in the Anglican world the cash isn't that great either, even at top level. Justsin Welby doesn't make much more than, say, a reasonably well qualified software engineer, maybe less.

    So what are you selling your soul to? Well, Satan, obviously, in the form of secular opinion, and so we return to Mammon.

  16. Kid, the country missions I serve have gained a fair few people over this virus phase of the coup, and that's partly because I call the wickedness out from the pulpit (crossing...). They say it's refreshing to hear a pastor speak the truth. Well, I try, and I try to live it too, albeit imperfectly.

    Surely there's a good parish within striking range of you? I hope.

  17. Sgt, Comrade Zuck banned this shallow mind blog long ago. Because tolerance. And thanks for the promo! Followed.

  18. Ain't that the truth, NFO.

    I remember, back in what, 2001? Standing on this urban hill overlooking the Anacostia and DC from Maryland and thinking "the Roman Catholic Church has the total moral high ground in this country." Then boom, it all went to hell. Bizarre.

    Regardless, the Church writ large clearly needs reforming. It's become ridiculous and wicked.
