Monday, February 10, 2020


Can you watch Styx for 10 minutes? I know, perhaps that's difficult, but he gives a good round-up viz. coronavirus. Official reports put infections at over 40k and we know that over 400 million are quarantined/locked down in China. 

Reports from citizen journalists suggest crematoria are operating 24/7, making for a surge in SO2 levels. Point being, this escaped bug factory virus isn't some kind of kung-flu joke. So what to do?

Good question. Move to high ground, get away from the teeming sprawls that are our sh*thole cities, move to the country. While you're at it, ensure water and food supplies; you think I'm joking? In Wuhan, infected people are locked in their houses, do the food math and don't think it can't happen here. Lay in ammo too, if you haven't already.

But all of the above aside, consider this. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, utterly righteous God, who is perfection in Himself, necessity at rest and absolute expansion, why would such Deity allow a culture which kills its children, its babies, to continue?

Of course a people that's so sick as to kill its children is equally capable of killing itself. We stand against that and we will win, the victory's assured. In the meanwhile, prep up.

Live free or die,



  1. Can't argue with any of that.
    May God have more mercy on us.

  2. Peace through superior firepower, LSP.

  3. We kill our own children. But there's another wrinkle to that.

    Those who are willing to kill infants - whose only "crime" is that of being conceived - will be willing to do that and more to those who stand in their way.

  4. Kyrie eleison, Ed. Not kidding.

  5. LL, I've had to ban myself from further AR projects...

  6. N -- I agree, 100% and then some. We must stop this evil.
