Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Here at the Compound we're playing Demtanic on continuous loop. Why? Because awesome, obviously. 

In other news, it's dark, thunder rumbles across the sky and rain pours down on the streets of this rural Texan haven with Aberystwyth Pier ferocity. Such is the penalty for not paying the weather tax, but more on this exciting story later.




  1. At the White Wolf Mine, we're taking our moisture in the form of snow - and more snow. There is no way an ark would float on the snow...Noah would have been very disappointed if it snowed for 40 days and nights.

  2. I will, at every opportunity, remind democrat supporters that I will never vote Democrat again (wink) while people like pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, omar, tlib, and some others remain in office. So, if "you" (idiots) want bernie, you better get these stupid pukes out of office.

  3. LL, I understand it's got to be frustrating. But look, relieve snow boredom by practicing winter warfare skills. Speaking of which, spoke to the Private this morning, who's doing well, but says he wants to get attached to 10 Mountain.

    Hey, to each their own.

  4. Linda, I'm trying, it's not easy.

  5. Kid, you'd think Satan would raise up a more compelling group of leaders to run his party. Apparently not.

  6. WSF, you have a point, and a good one.

  7. Then again, this is what the evil worships...
