Monday, February 10, 2020

Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier

Wannabe president Joe Biden verbally abused a woman in New Hampshire at one of his pathetically small campaign events, calling her a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier." What does that even mean? Here at the Compound  we believe a picture's worth a thousand words.

Two typical dog-faced pony soldiers. Tell the truth, boys.

A good dog-faced pony soldier looks after his horse and that's no lie.

Dog-faced pony soldiers operate in all weather conditions. Sometimes they tell the truth, sometimes they don't.

Biden's used the cryptic phrase before, dementedly claiming it's a quote from a John Wayne movie. But so far the aging politician's rhetoric doesn't seem to be working, with  Real Clear Politics showing the presidential hopeful polling at an underwhelming fourth or fifth place in the New Hampshire primary.

Whether the 77 year old politician's habit of insulting voters with gibberish will reverse this dismal trend remains to be seen.

Ride on,



  1. I think we should invite some of those pictured pony soldiers over and have a word about the possibility of them smuggling the Mad Arab of your acquaintance into the Biden campaign. Looks like his numbers could use a "bounce".

  2. I've never heard that in a John Wayne movie. Have you?

    Anyway, saw a clip of the exchange and the woman didn't seem bothered by it. Or that old Joe doesn't even know what state he is in half the time. Or anything else.

  3. That sounds like a lot of malarky to me.

    And from the NH, polls, if they're to be believed, Biden is trailing Amy Who? Biden believes that black voters are stupid enough to vote for the creepy, senile old white man. Maybe they are. We'll see.

    Meanwhile, keep the dog face pony soldiers rolling.

  4. Maybe he believe any publicity is good publicity? Until he left office at the end of 44's term, he has been on the public teat for decades. Still draws a pension. So maybe he thinks it will always work as it always has.

  5. RHT, I laughed! Speaking of which, maybe it's about time I got back on the horse, pretty much at full recov.

  6. No Kid, I have not. That's because it isn't there. A bit, when you think about it, like Biden's chances of becoming president. The girl didn't seem upset or even baffled, I think she's a Biden fan. As well as a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.

  7. L, I think it needs to be a series. DFPS.

    Didn't Biden's care bus break down on the "campaign" trail? There's a message in that.

  8. I don't know, WSF. Possible, then again maybe he's just losing it, or something. But really, what a phony, faked up, two bit pol -- "transgenderism is the biggest civil rights issue of our time."

    I mean... ffs. Is he for real? Obvs not.

  9. A pony soldier would be a cavalryman, right? Sure, some cavalrymen weren't Cary Grant or Fabio look-alikes, but still I think dog-faced is a bit harsh. And of course no cavalryman worth his salt would tell the truth all of the time, perhaps a little white lie from time to time, you know, just to soften the blow...

    I'm sure Joe meant that in the most complimentary way possible, seeing as how he needs votes in the worst way.

  10. Ummmm - she has come out and said she was very offended.

    Biden is an idiot.

  11. the entire Democratic field seems to have a unique and strange tactic for getting people to vote for them: Insults!

  12. I was flummoxed, Adrienne. What does it mean? That this ancient millionaire socialist pol has dementia? Like... what? Bizarre.

  13. Infidel, the Lower Orders must know their place.
