Saturday, November 30, 2019

Take Out The Terr With A Narwhal Tusk And Brexit

Some things are all too predictable, others aren't. For example, if you're Cambridge University and you invite an early release,  tagged convict, bomb plot Moslem terrorist to your criminal rehab seminar, don't be surprised if he goes full Jihad and starts killing people on London Bridge. So predictable.


That a Polish cook will react to the cultural enrichment by pulling a 5' Narwhal tusk off the wall and go after the frenzied knife-wielding savage is less obvious. Not the sort of outcome you'd, say, wager the fighting monkey on. And this brings us to Brexit.


If and when the UK's ruling elite see fit to deliver Brexit and respect the votes of over 17 million people, to say nothing of national sovereignty, should Poles get an exemption? 

Judging from London Bridge, I'd argue for a bipartite pact between the Sceptered Isle and the descendants of Jan Sobieski.

Well done, Luckasz.

Aloha Snackbar,



  1. Perhaps the football hooligans can be encouraged to deliver some social justice.

  2. Especially after London sold them out to the Nazis.
    They owe Poland.

  3. It would have been nice if he'd have run the terrorist through. Maybe better if the Brits had a Second Amendment and could carry and he could have double tapped the terrorist with .45 JHAWG rounds (ammo coated in a polymer that includes pig fat. "Put some ham into Mohammed".

  4. I'm all for an exemption for the Poles. The ones I've met have been good folks.

  5. Disarm the citizens, import the savages..... I read where the UK has the greatest number of moslems as a percent of the population, even more than Sweden and the other EU countries.

  6. Happy First Sunday of Advent, LSP.

    Yeah - the bleeding heart diversity crowd invite an unrepentant terrorist to sit around, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya, and wonder why he killed people.

  7. I think many Londoner's are wondering why Cambridge University are enabling terrorism in their City. The terrorist had to be confronted by a Polish Chef and a bunch of Old Lags. I guess that the academics opted for the 'Run, Hide, Tell' response advocated by the Police, whereas Battle Group Norman Stanley Fletcher understood "England expects every man to do his duty" and that "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome" was the the only appropriate methodology in the circumstances. It was the villains and ex-villains who urged the armed cops to "Shoot him in the head".
    After ten-years of the Conservative Party rule, it has really put the squeeze on Boris, as he cannot blame anyone else. With Brexit Party stood down in Conservative seats the politicians responsible for this cannot be voted out of office except by voting for a Communist, the Anti-Liberal Anti-Democratic Party or the Greta Greenwash Party. This could cost Boris a working majority if not the election and kill Brexit dead.

  8. That, WSF, is a very good point.

  9. Ed, Poland clearly needs special status.

  10. You couldn't make it up, Pewster... well maybe you could but it's pretty off the wall stuff. Jihad savage runs amok, so whaddya do? Grab a NARWHAL TUSK off the nearest wall and leap into action. Brave man.

  11. That's an interesting point, LL, and it reminds me of the Mutiny. As you recall, the Army had just started issuing JHAWGS so the Sepoys cooked off and went savage. It ended badly for them, with the lead mutineers being shot out of canons in front of their respective regiments. On the parade squares too, thank you very much. They went quiet after that for about 70 years, give or take.

    Perhaps there's a moral to be drawn.

  12. Same here, Jim. And they saved Vienna.

  13. It's around 6+ million, Kid. Imagine what things'll look like when that figure climbs to 20... strange to see the rainbow digging its own grave.

  14. That part's all too predictable, Adrienne. The tusk? Less so.

    Have a blessed Advent!

  15. Good call, Anon. And forgive the ignorance, but when/how did the Tories turn into Blairites? Because it sure seems they did, through teaming up with the Lib Dems?

    Regardless, let's see how the election goes. It'd be good to see the BP taking out commie seats but it doesn't seem as though that's going to happen. Well done, conservatives...

  16. I think it was 10 to 15 years ago I read that the Church of England predicted that England would be under sharia in 30 years. Sees on track.
