Friday, November 29, 2019

Blue Friday

The Friday after Thanksgiving's famous for scenes of crazed shoppers fighting over all the made in China debris of modern life. Rather than go out in the fray we decided to emulate the feeding frenzy at home. How?

Enter one stuffy squeaking dog toy, and a voracious Heeler. Blue Friday fell onto that squeak cow like a mall full of shoppers on a cut price flatscreen.

The toy didn't have a chance. Blue Consumer was on it. Ears? Rip 'em off. Head? Tear the stuffing out of it. Body? Disembowel, and scatter the contents to the floor, growling and grunting like a Best Buy punter in search of a cheap deal.

Then, almost as fast as you can say mindless mall brawl nonsense, the fight was over and Blue Khan stood, victorious, on the battlefield. Did he expect a treat for his Blue Friday performance? Yes, of course.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and manage to stay out of the store scrum today.




  1. I like buying online and having it shipped to my workplace. Doesn't get any easier or cheaper.

    1. I get shoes and shirts from the UK online, Kid. Half the price of a shop in Dallas or equiv.

  2. Somebody's Black Friday will be black. Trying to buy another phone and Cricket's internal network is down nationwide. Hello IT department, goodby IT department.

    1. Sorry, WSF. Per Kid I ordered a new/used phone online and hooked it up yesterday before the feast.

      Good luck!

  3. Haven't left the house, don't plan on it.

  4. I don't do scrums, never have. I don't need a discount that badly.

    Brick and mortar concerns are losing my business as fast as a case of Scotch disappears on the Kennedy Compound, and despite my Luddite tendencies I find that being an Amazon Prime member and having stuff delivered to my front door the day after I order it online is pretty dang satisfactory.

    I'll never step into another Sears or K-Mart, and you can take that to the bank.

  5. I avoid stores, however I did manage to get some parts on-line at a good price. Can't wait to try the 6.8 SPC that I'll assemble from them.

  6. We were on the road back up North on Friday. Got the few things I needed ordered on line, without entering the fray of going to the stores.

    Blue Warrior did a great job defeating the enemy!

    Ali's labs gutted and dismembered one of those "world class" tough duck toys in about a minute. Then went on to pack logs around the yard.

  7. Blue Terminator has those titanium fangs (all the better to attack the FedEx guy with) and the bionic enhancements that make him deadly to toy unicorns in particular. The real unicorns were killed off by his kind long ago because they voted for donkeys. Or so the legend goes.

  8. NFO, that nearly made two of us. Against my better judgement I strolled 'round the corner to an "Irish Pub" and bought a Bloody Mary, just for fun. It tasted like a pickle, bizarrely, then I went home, chastened.

  9. I use Prime, Fredd, and it can be useful. Sears and K Mart are dead, but our local Walmart's alive and well. I should probably set up a chapel there and get an assistant priest to cover Black Friday. I'd stay back at the Compound that day.

  10. Jealous of that 6.8, Jim. Nice.

  11. Brig, I know. There's all these "indestructible" dog toys that don't last a minute under the ferocious fangs of the dogs. Mind you, tennis balls hold up pretty well.

    Safe travels!

  12. Ah, LL, the Old Legend. Some say it's no more than a myth, a made up fantasy. But I've watched Blue Terminator and others of his kind at work and feel there's truth to the story.

    Have you seen any live unicorns lately? No, but plenty of dogs.
