Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Mild London Bridge Response

When will the UK and the rest of Western Europe wake up to Moslem threat their ruling elites have imported into their countries for votes and cheap labor? Maybe some people have woken up and aren't prepared to sit down, roll over, and take it.

Who knows, maybe they'll take the fight to the enemy, like a Massive Attack. Then, oh my, watch the Hackney lesbian theater collective duck and cover. Point being, there's a scrap coming.

In the meanwhile the Met, London's police force, go by a rainbow twitter handle cuz, you know, Jihadis run from a rainbow. 




  1. Londoners love their Mohammedans like Prince Andrew liked going on trips to Epstein's 'fantasy island'. It's one those things these days. Have things tipped too far? Many people think so and they voted for Brexit...but doing so is said to be Islamophobic. I guess the British people have to choose.

  2. Yes, John Lennon's screed is alive: just give peace a chance.

    Rainbows and unicorns everywhere. Hugs for Mexican cartel thugs instead of bullets.

    I'm feelin' it, Padre. Where's my ukelele, I think a spirited stanza or two of Kumbaya is in order here.

  3. There's an ex-metropolitan London policeman now serving in a nearby town. I met him at a gunshop a few years back when he was a deputy sheriff. Nice guy. I guess he rather likes being able to defend himself and others if need be.

  4. Yep, they are starting to push back, even if it is the immigrants that are doing it. Maybe, just maybe the Brits will grow some balls back...

  5. "And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

  6. LL, I don't see how 23k++ jihad savages running around the UK is going to end well and with you, the people need to make a choice. Of course the politicians have made theirs, Moslem votes are clearly more important than Moslem unholy war.

  7. It's good to see you're in the spirit of things, Fredd. Nothing so soothes the Crescent as a unicorn meandering down the banks of the Thames to the tune of Give Peace a Chance. Or Kumbaya with ukulele accompaniment.

  8. Jim, I'd imagine a lot of UK LE aren't too happy with their rainbow rulers these days.

  9. It might get messy, NFO. Just sayin...
