Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monsters Of The Deep?

So you're standing on the rip-rap like a warrior on the edge of time, beholding the mighty Brazos as it flows beneath you to Houston and its enormous Dalek. You have a choice, stare in amazement at the fabled waterway and reflect on its storied history or get a rod from the truck and go after some action.

There's no "rule," either way is OK, but I chose the latter path and went to the pier armed with a light Shakespeare Ugly Stick and a couple of boxes of worms. I felt the fish would love these worms and they did, snapping, tugging and bumping with pretty much every cast.

All well and good, but I wasn't closing the deal. Fishing wizardry told me juvenile perch and bass were plundering the line and a smaller hook was in order. Such is piscine soothsaying, don't discount it.

Sure enough, before too long I was reeling in the young 'uns, and ferocious predators they were too, going at the juicy worms like Democrats boarding a Greyhound for Chicago. But you're saying, in that mocking tone of voice, "Aren't they a bit small?"

Not so fast, readers of this popular international mind blog, they may have been small but a fish is a fish and even a small fish is value on a light rod. So I left the dam pleased, mission accomplished. 

And I tell you, it's good for the soul to get out in the clean air and big sky of an overcast Texan morning and fish, no matter what you catch.

Tight lines,



  1. I agree: a little bitty crappy/blue gill still gets the juices flowing when they start making that ugly stick dance.

    Maybe you should get a boat....

  2. I used to love to fish when I was a little kid. Had a bamboo pole and loved watching the red and white bobber when it started to go up and down. Thrilling!

    OT - but did you see the comment fro Shawnd on my yesterday's post? Go read it. Really - you need to read it. http://adriennescatholiccorner.blogspot.com/2019/11/robbery-in-first-degree.html

  3. Ah, Fredd.

    I've asked myself that same question over the years and it seems so tempting. Just the other day I saw a decent little bass boat parked up on its trailer in front of the "Jiffy Go" filling station. It had a sign on it, "For Sale." Did I look at the price? No, but I wanted to.

  4. Something along the lines of the journey is reason enough to travel?

    1. So true, WSF. Mind you, I actually caught some fish. OK, they were small, but still...

  5. Bream, crappie, and a few others put up a GOOD fight for their size. And it takes a mess of them to make a good meal, but they are good eating!

    1. They sure are tasty, NFO. I especially like Bluegill, yum.
