Monday, November 25, 2019



PS. The Uppity Duchess of Suffolk Sussex, a well known millionaire socialist, D List actress from LA is famous for flying private jets to stop climate change. Her now relative Andrew was kicked out of Buckingham Palace for his affinity to the notorious pedo millionaire, Jeffrey Epstein.


  1. Sparkle is absolutely classless and gauche. Harry - always a bit of a dim bulb - sure did put his money on a loser. You can be dang sure that gal does not identify with her black half.

    I hate for the queen (an extraordinary woman) to have to be publicly humiliated like her family is doing (except for Will and Kate - who are becoming more kingly and queenly every year.)

  2. If I didn't read the Daily Mail online, I wouldn't know who she is.

  3. I don't see what her husband sees in her. I guess that's a good thing or she'd be back on Sunset Blvd. turning tricks for cash.

  4. Duchess of Sussex not Suffolk.

  5. Her brother-in-law, Prince Chuck, is also one of those who thinks we should all stop living the good life and stop burning fossil fuel. Of course, while he and his jet around and live in palaces (each royal with a mansion in each corner of the world) and that all of these palatial estates have carbon footprints the size of Delaware.

    Uppity Meghan is just the latest hypocrite to join that crowd.

  6. Correction: Chuck would be Uppity Meghan's father-in-law, so terribly sorry for the mistake.

  7. There would seem to be a lot of dim bulbs in the Royal gene pool. The pedophile scandal being only the latest of many. I'm surprised that the Queen kicked Andrew out of Buckingham Palace. I'm sure that he ended up in a 5,000 square foot townhouse in Mayfair, along with his staff. He'll have to rough it now.

  8. She is becoming the wicked witch...

  9. Adrienne, imagine the dinner time conversation at various castles and palaces. Reportedly Markle and Harry aren't invited for Christmas.

  10. She crawled right outta LA and into the Balmoral Big Time, WSF.

  11. LL, she might well be a witch and used weird magic to beguile Harry. But maybe Andrew will end up suiciding?

  12. Noted, Anon. Glad someone's paying attention to detail.

  13. Fredd, thank you for putting that right. For goodness sake, I thought Merkle was Duchess of Suffolk! Error, it's Sussex. Then there's Prince Cider Chuck. Yes, He's green too.

    Prince Philip needs to take a stick to them.

  14. Royal marriages are never 'random' they are always political. The question people are asking on this side of the pond is: with thousands of beautiful black girls in Britain and millions of beautiful black girls in African Commonwealth countries, why did the Harry need to go to Hollywood to find one? The answer is the Palace obviously thought that a strategic marriage alliance with Hollywood was desirable.

    William and Kate, apart from the Queen, are the most popular Royals. Harry and Megan's role may well be paparazzi magnets, to allow William and Kate a relative 'normal' life to raise the kids and be a family, while the Sussex's Super Woke Roadshow draws all the flak.

    The Andrew saga has a lot more steam in it and is developing into a threat to the Monarchy, hence the Queen effectively sacked Andrew from all official Royal Duties. The damage has been done and will increase republican sentiment, but I fear that it 'aint over yet. Andrew will be be praying that the Sussex's antics will draw attention from him.

  15. It's right there in the photo, NFO.

  16. It's right there in the photo, NFO.

  17. Anon, the curious case of Andy & Eppy doesn't seem to be going away and that's gotta be making Andy pretty upset. There he was, one of the world's mega rich having off the hook fun with one of his mega rich, island owning pals. Heck, he even had Eppy & Entourage over to the palaces on socials. It was one big, mega rich party.

    With underage girls.

    And magic?

    And who the hell knows what else, but we can guess.

    Maybe the Wokeshow will divert attention but Eppy and Ghizzy keep cropping up, unfortunately for Andy. Per above, perhaps Philip will take a stick to him.

  18. Everything is racism!
