Tuesday, November 26, 2019

They're Not Even Bothering To Hide

In the olden days, back when children were still allowed to say Christian prayers in school and everyone knew that gender was a God given construct of biology, Satanists used to hide. They were secretive, with a few odd exceptions like failed Oscar Wilde Crowley.

These days it's pretty much  out in the open. Spirit Cooking, so what? Witches casting spells on the President every weekend? Whatever. 

Selling baby parts to biotech firms? Better fine the sonofabitch that uncovered that to the tune of $800k++. Forcing children to watch tranny drag queens in libraries? Well yeah, obvs, because tolerance.

And on, to say nothing of the malfeasance of our pedophile millionaire elite on places like Epstein's island, watch out Andy!, NXIVM, such a painful brand, and cannibal performance art by Abramovic & Co. 

You get the picture. There it is, for all the world to see, they're not even bothering to cover it up, much. And their hallmarks are clear, hatred of Christianity, children, beauty, truth, freedom, love and life itself. Remember, they're against that and want to kill it in the womb.

The question is, do we care enough to do anything about it? And for those who think the above's some kind joke, it's all a larf  'til you wake up and a demon's gnawing on your inner thigh. To the point:

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

I'd argue the chief Apostle knew what he was talking about.

Your Old Buddy,



  1. Please, not being flippant! You know about what you write, it is, after all, your line of work!

  2. WSF, I have no excuse, but it seems to me that we're reaching a confrontation and that things are becoming clearer.

    Would I put my "gun on the line"? Sure, would it be any use? Questionable... at this stage in the game perhaps prayer's a better weapon.

    Sorry, preaching to self.

  3. Parson, is satan getting so bold as to flaunt these brazen displays?

    Is he baiting us? Testing our faith in Christ Our Lord?

    Between these people and the followers of allah, it could be a very bumpy ride.....

  4. The nonchalance with which people treat all these demonic influences is staggering. The baby parts thing is specially egregious. My own (ex) brother thinks that since they're already dead why not use them for research - or some such reasoning.

    And now Trump has signed a bill for further protection of animals making abuse a felony. I'm all for that, but how do you square that up with killing babies?

    Without a faith is God, there is no fear of the devil.

  5. Truly sad, and scary, in addition to heading in a direction 'I' for one don't like...

  6. Evil is always around the corner. It's part of theme of a Dead Sea Scroll: The Battle of the Sons of Light against the sons of darkness.

  7. "They're not even bothering to hide it." I've had that thought about a year now. Not only that but they are out Celebrating their love of satan.

  8. drjim, I'd say all of that's true. But let's not forget the Devil's insane and always overplays its hand, which helps. For example, check out the slate of Democrat contenders for the presidency.

    Still, with you I'll wager a bumpy ride ahead.

  9. Their hatred of life is mind numbing to me, Adrienne, and so is the massive devolution of what passes for society.

    No need for God to be be good, they argue. Well how's that post Christian culture working out for 'ya? Just great, if you're raking in the thousands selling BABY PARTS.

    Sheer, brazen, literal evil.

  10. With you all the way on that, NFO.

  11. LL, curious things, the DSS, though I'm no expert. And so is evil, which has the illusory appearance of substance until it's blown away by the light of truth. But I won't preach except to say, please keep shining that torch on DC.

  12. Are you advocating MSP, Herr Doktor Swankenstein?

  13. Yeah they are, Kid. Not even bothering to hide.
