Thursday, October 3, 2019


Have a gaze at this short infovid and your initial reaction, at least if you're sitting in the Compound's kitchen asking God to bless Texas is, "Look at that demon possessed crazy!" as you chuckle at AOC's consternation. But look again.

Bomb Russia, we have to eat the babies, a ready-made T proclaiming Save The Planet, Eat The Children? Hmmm, here in the newsroom we detect the hand of /pol, yes, a troll of possibly heroic proportion. If so, well done that girl! If not, the song remains the same.

Speaking of trolls, Putin hasn't lost his mojo and cleverly took down some hair-slicked, polished, besuited NBC hack. It went like this:

QUESTION: Is Russia, as Robert Mueller alleged, attempting to influence the 2020 elections in the United States?
VLADIMIR PUTIN, VIA TRANSLATOR, WHIPSPERING: I'll tell you a secret. Yes, we'll definitely intervene, it's a secret, so that everybody can laugh and so we'll go big. But don't tell anyone, please.

45, who's an Apex Troll, hasn't been idle either but that's for another day.

Keep America Great and Trump 2020.

Your Pal,



  1. Nobody in that room challenged her position, much less AOC.

  2. We're all going to die...soon.

    Somebody needs to tell Putin so that he can prepare...

  3. The 'Save the world, eat babies!' is a genius campaign slogan for AOC and the Democrats.

  4. How did people get so stupid !? democrats.

  5. Either she's a troll as suggested, or she's read Swift's A Modest Proposal and thought it a good idea.

  6. I thought it was funny as all get out (I'm weird like that.)

  7. Makes all of us weird people look normal.

  8. You know, maybe the Democrats could publish a cookbook. It would give a whole new meaning to baby back ribs. I'm sure that it would be a best seller and would propel them to victory in 2020 and beyond. It makes the Aztecs look like pikers.

    I'm sure that the Old Testament playbook of false gods (Molach, Dagon, etc.) could be consulted for advice by AOC. She could become their modern high priestess, displacing Hillary.

  9. Looks like Putin's still a Boss, LL. Has to be looking askance at the ****show in the US. We can imagine the Ukraine intel he's sitting on, or perhaps sharing.

    Then there's the Weather.

    Not even bombing Russia will save us from our climate enemy. So eat your kids. Planned Parenthood style.

  10. Anon, I was struck by its genius.

    We have an HEROIC TROLL. Right down to the hairclip eurovoice.

  11. You'll find no argument there with me, Kid.

    Observe AOC.

  12. Hahaha, Swift. Good call Jim!

    But she's a Larouche Troll. I thought it was /pol.

  13. I thought so too, Adrienne! Bear in mind, people are very... literal.

    Well done, girl. You win the Peoples' Award for EPIC TROLLING.

    I liked the t shirt, btw. Should be a fixture at ALL AOC town halls. Dam, all Dem events.

  14. And that's just AOC, WSF. I thought the troll did well, Sandy? Not so much.

  15. Whoa! LL! AOC as contender to the WITCH THRONE?!?

    She's certainly well groomed.
