Friday, October 4, 2019

So I Went To Waxahachie

Wake up, feed the dog, boil the kettle, say Morning Prayer. Shower, go to the Pick 'n Steal and get coffee, check the news. Note how Operation Boomerang is progressing nicely for Joe "Don't Call Me Quid Pro Quo" Biden. Play Groove is in the Heart by Deelite.

Then drive to Waxahachie. Yes readers, all seven of you, Waxahachie. Why? Because you've been invited to the Global Orthodox Anglican Church's clericus. And there you are , at this little Texas Gothic church in the midst of a pretty neat town. Note, Waxahachie's been gentrified, thank God.

I heard a talk from the OAC's Primus about the Eucharist. Simple stuff but alright with it. Then I lurked off to the church hall and talked horses with a ranching woman who was making pulled pork, even though it was Friday.

She was down to earth and used to cowboy because her Father didn't have any sons to look after the cattle. Respect. We talked Arabians and "hitting the ground like a sack of wet charcoal." Then it was time for Mid-Day Prayer.

The impressively bearded Primate of the OAC performed a quick change parade and walked over to the church in Rochet, Chimere and all the rest. I called out, "Bishop, you're looking terrifyingly Choir Dress," he chuckled at that, which I liked.

As we were entering the small but winsome church I told him, boldly, "Years ago I went to the King's School Canterbury and we used to have Summer assemblies in the Quire of the Cathedral. It was Sung Mattins, and after the first one I wrote home, "Dear Mother, I think I've been to a non-communicating Solemn High Mass. I was twelve at the time."

His Eminent Grace thought that "very good" and I replied "very ridiculous" and off we went to the Office. All well and good. And it was. So good to be with loyal, catholic Anglicans, people who actually believe in the Creed they stand up and proclaim Sunday by Sunday.

Waxahachie's neat too, nice little town.

God bless,



  1. Have you ever been to Nackadoshus, TX?

    It’s a line from a John Wayne needn’t answer.

    I have heard that there is good BBQ at Waxahachie. It’s good to know that there are also nice people there.

  2. Groove is in the heart down in waxahachie. And they have an eyebrow parlour. It’s nearly as good as the silos.

  3. Delightful little town. Beautiful court house, complete with monuments to fallen CSA soldiers. Wife and I went there so she could shop a fabric store that was sadly soon to close. I browsed the antique store across the street.

    A few weeks back, a buddy (and fellow Kalifornia expat) and I went to the gun show there--

    Civic Center venue is very nice with free parking. Show is easy to cover in a few hours--wonderful everybody-knows-everybody atmosphere.

  4. Groove is in the Heart.
    Can't wait until what I'm listening to is over.
    Except I have to.

  5. Juliette, nothing is as good as the SILOS.


  6. I haven't, LL. And I know, I should have done, on the list.

    Waxahachie's alright, well put together little town.

  7. I like it, RHT. Not far from me and they seem to have sorted out the rural/urban blight. Good looking gun show!

    Nearly at the point where I can get out and shoot again... haven't forgotten.

  8. Ed, that's getting close to haiku!

    Of course she's small
    That belies a groovy sound
    Until it doesn't

    I met her once, she wasn't impressed!

  9. Never had much desire to head state-side, not interested in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles or Miami, but you do make rural America sound interesting.

  10. Yep, interesting little town. And that's a heck of a difference between churches!

  11. It has its plus points, Anon, especially if you enjoy country "stuff" -- like shooting, fishing, riding, hunting. Which I do, so that's all good until you break your leg.

    I think the country has more character too and beats the metrosprawls. Miles of plastic siding connected by highways? Surely there's a better way to live. Saying that, had fun in the 'burbs too. So.

  12. I like Waxahachie, NFO, and yes!
