Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What Fresh Hell Is This?

Well maybe not so fresh anymore, more like a predictable re-run, same old, same old, and it's this. A UK doctor got himself fired from the UK's Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) because, drum roll, he wasn't prepared to refer to trannies by their preferred pronoun. This, he thought, was against his religion.

The doctor, David Mackereth, was reportedly called in by supervisor James Owen and quizzed about his pronouns policy, important medical procedure, right? 

Check Out This Tranny! Sorry, "Nicola" Sturgeon.

“What would you do," asked rainbow Owen, "if you were to assess someone who is obviously a man but asks to be referred to as ‘she’ or ‘Missis’ in the report?” 

Mackereth wasn't too keen, replying that, "gender is determined by biology and genetics,” and, "My conscience is captive to the Word of God. Here I stand, I can do no other. So help me God.”

Tolerance is Key in The Hive

Oh dear, what a Nazi. As in, how dare you believe in two biological sexes. Unsurprisingly, Mackereth was fired, sued, and lost. Believing in men and women, in the created order, offends against transsexual "dignity." It is, therefore, so much "hate speech" and it cost the doctor his job.

What a Beautiful Cupcake!

How dare you, Mackereth, revolt against the genderless hivemind and expect to work? 

Well now you can't. Because tolerance.




  1. And.........the newly remodeled Portland Building in Portland, OR will have no urinals so trans freaks won't be inconvenienced - or something.

  2. In the City of New York, it's a crime today to refer to somebody by the wrong pronoun. NYC recognizes 31 genders and they can be changed at will. How in blue blazes can you guess correctly every time given that you have a 1/31 chance of being correct. Dude in drag doesn't mean anything because he could self-identify as ANYTHING. He could self-identify as a heterosexual male (sort of like Jenner) even though he looks (sorta) like a chick.

    And people wonder why young men are having trouble figuring out who and what they are.

  3. Wrong Think is a crime.

  4. Come to Kansas doctor. We can use more good physicians and the clinic I use is staffed by rational people. They even have Christian oriented posters on the walls in the examination rooms! That would never fly in NYC or the UK.

  5. This seems like an effort by the UK Department of Work and Pensions and medical authorities to promote the Government's anti-Christian agenda and also to cut its own expenditure.

    Quite possibly a symapthetic Christian doctor was granting to many claimants with disabling medical conditions benefits, pushing up costs. So he was axed.

    However, coming out in support of transgender ideology the DWP purges him and also gets to reduce its mental health disability pay-outs, Previously demanding that you should be called plural or by a name that did not coincide with your biological sex might have been treated as a mental health aberration, a symptom of gender disphoria.

    By re-classifying transexuals as a minority category rather than individuals in need of help the DWP no longer has to pay them any benefits if they apply with many mental illness or condition. So ironically transexuals will now loose benefits as a result, they no longer have status as medical cases in need of support

    DWP pulled a similar welfare ruse with gay men living together a few years back. Previously two gay men living together could qualify for two sets of benefits if unemployed. Once the Cameron government approved same sex unions, then they qualified as 'married couples' thus lowering the amounts of cash paid out. Simple really. Strange the Left did not spot this...

  6. Adrienne points out the following, from the Left Coast, the Coast of Sexual Deviancy:

    the newly remodeled Portland Building in Portland, OR will have no urinals so trans freaks won't be inconvenienced - or something.

    Our world is going insane!

  7. Teachers are getting into trouble, too! Even in private schools, which are seeing test cases.

    So glad that I'm out of the traditional classroom.

  8. I'll tell ya, I've had it with all the special people. Marry a goat for all I care, just don't put it on a TV sitcom or whine that maybe someone in the world doesn't like you. F you.
    Very much. Whole bunch of people that don't like me and that has Zero effect on me unless it gets physical.

    And the idea of a guy having intercourse with some other guys anus does NOT conjure up visions of multi-colored Unicorns.

  9. Adrienne, $195,000,000.

    That's a lot of money but obviously worth it when it comes to fighting the scourge of our time, lavatorial oppression.

    The tragedy, of course, is there's people in Portland who are really hurting and they won't get that cash. But the rainbow god is a jealous god.

  10. In the end, LL, we won't be able to refer to anyone except as a "thing." Therein lies the freedom of the hive.

    As for the boys, good Lord, when the backlash comes...

  11. Yes, Anon. And that's why I'm reporting myself immediately.

  12. Jim!

    Have you reported your clinic staff?

  13. UK Official, you make a good and wisely anonymous point.

    Follow the cash, good call.

    In the meanwhile, report yourself to the Thought Police. No dissent in the Hive.

  14. AOW, it's remarkable. We've become a rainbow freakshow in the space of how many years? Not many. A propaganda victory of monumental proportions, and it says something about the weakness of the Churches.

    That aside, a teacher who stands against the prevalent orthodoxy and says, for example, that boys and girls are "born that way" is a brave person.

    How come the left/gender nihilists get control of education?!? Someone sure was asleep at the wheel.

  15. I agree with that, Kid. If you want to get up to weirdness, hey, that's up to you. Just don't call it cute and, btw, don't expose our kids to it.

    Drag Queen story hour for kindergartners? Getting your children on trans drugs/puberty blockers? WTF.

    Child abuse. And we have to wonder at the pedo thing. Just saying.
