Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hippies Stole My Boat

Yeah, right, it's all "peace and love" 'til the nearest hippie rips off your boat. What then? 

Southern cross.

Your Friend,



  1. I was quite disappointed when I bought my first Crosby Stills and Nash album when I realized that Crosby did not stand for Bing Crosby and Nash didn't mean Ogden Nash.

    Oh well. Live and learn.

  2. Those dad gum hippies again - thievin', no-job-havin', no-shower-takin' hair balls. Now they are stealing boats? Seems to me they steal stuff that doesn't take a lot of maintenance: welfare checks, guitars, tofu, things of that sort. Boats? Huge maintenance, cost, not exactly up a hippie's alley.

    Maybe you meant to say 'yuppies,' Padre.

  3. "quite disappointed when I bought my first Crosby Stills and Nash album"

    Waal, personally I was crushed to discover that the "Stills" part had nothing to do with moonshine likker.


  4. Infidel, remember Joni Mitchell? She was a nice Canadian folk singer and then she met, yes, you guessed it, CSNY. The rest is history.

    Speaking of which, there's a video out there of David Crosby with, ahem, company in a hot tub in the '70s. I can't find it, annoyingly, but maybe you can? I think the world needs to know.

  5. Ha! Fredd!

    Boats are huge maintenance, especially enormous sail boats. That's one of the reasons I don't have one, annoyingly. But those hippies did. Does that make them Yuppies, Millionaire Socialists or both?

    But look on the bright side. They're CLOSE TO WATER.

  6. Mike_C, had to laugh! #Stillz

    Still, no such thing as an easy run.
