Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Snake Demon or Just Another Millionaire Socialist?

Socialist Nancy Pelosi's estimated net worth is over $100 million making her one of America's richest politicians. Which is interesting because her salary as Speaker of the House is $223,000. 

Is Nancy a Snake Demon or just another run-of-the-mill Millionaire Socialist, or both?

You be the judge,



  1. She was born into a Baltimore Mafia family. Like Feinstein, the husbands receive the pay to play.

  2. Amazing how some politicians become so wealthy on $174,000 per year. They must be really astute investors! As someone once said about LBJ, "he came to Washington to do good, and did very well indeed!"

  3. And what a tremendous pay it is, WSF! Then again there's that unsettling bit in the Good Book about "what shall it profit a Pelosi to gain the whole world and forfeit its soul." Terrifying.

  4. zsleepwalker, we're in full agreement on this one.

  5. I was thinking that, Jim. Are you sure you're not psychic?
