Thursday, October 17, 2019

Magnum Mysterium!

I drove to Waco this morning to visit the sick in hospital and by some miracle didn't end up in hospital myself, given the driving on I35. All well and good, even though I wasn't able to visit the remarkable, awesome, amazing, Magnolia Moneyspinner Rip-Off Silos. 

People travel from all over America to visit the Silos. Why? It's a mystery, and when I got back to the Compound I found another. Here it is.

Who could possibly have done such a thing? Did some intruder, possibly a Ukrainian, break in and attempt a little quid pro quo, a little legal-pad-shredding malfeasance only to be chased off by a ferocious Blue Guard? Or was there another culprit?

Perhaps, readers, we need a closed door inquiry.




  1. Silo's are a tourist attraction now? I walked past this grain elevator this morning on my way to the post office.

    I think it's every bit as scenic as the Magnolia silo but there wasn't a tourist in sight. There's just no appreciation for the finer things.

    1. I like your silos, Jim, but no tourists? Weird. Then there's the great legal pad whodunnit. Hmmmmm.

  2. No doubt the legal pad was damaged in the titanic struggle between your guard Heeler and the evil spirits hoping to sabotage your sermon notes. Collateral damage, sir.

  3. DB, it was clearly an epic struggle against the forces of darkness and the Guard expected a reward for his courage. How could I refuse him an Alpo Variety Snap?
