Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Shoot

One of the good things about Mondays is you can shoot, provided the new Ice Age doesn't have you snowed in and it didn't, so off I went to the range. Nothing fancy, just a Ruger American .22 and a Glock 21 .45.

I hadn't shot the Glock in a while and wondered if it'd work. It did, blasting rounds into the X Ring like a good 'un at around 15 yards. Things opened up a bit at 25 yards and I wasn't surprised, given lack of practice.

Then it was time for the old playing card trick at 10 yards and they met their match, thanks to Austrian engineering and the mighty .45 ACP. But my shooting was getting erratic, time to move on while the going was good.

And there it was, the humble .22, ready to go with a fixed 4 power scope. Was it on? Kind of ish but to be honest I'd forgotten what the little beast was zeroed for, so I unscientifically dialed it in at 50 yards.

After a bit of tweaking the scope seemed on enough and Little Green was taking damage. Sorry, fella, you lose this thankfully one sided firefight.

Then it started to rain and it was time to head back to the Compound, mission accomplished. Needed pistol practice and a pleasant zero-in plinkathon with the Ruger.

The trail out of the range always looks as though it'll present some target of opportunity, like a coyote, a small gang of pigs or even a rabbit, but it never does, oddly. Regardless, there it was, a good afternoon out in the country well spent.

Gun rights,



  1. Every compound needs a range. And we know what range can look like after a hard rain. So discretion was the better part of valor. Well done LSP.

    1. It's no fun getting bogged down out there, LL. What happens is you need to get pulled out by friendly forces and feel like... a muddy fool!

      Fun little shoot though.

  2. Hey, a bad day at the range beats a......oops. A "Bad Day" at the range can be really bad if things go sideways, so I'll rephrase that:

    Glad you had a good, safe time at the range! If the weather cooperates, we'll be having a "St. Patty's Day Shootout" at the range on the ranch. Gonna show these local boys the good things that happen when you put a rifled barrel on a 12 gauge, add a scope, and shoot sabot slugs with it.

    There might even be a decrepit car or two to use for target practice!

  3. drjim, I've never had a bad one but it came close once or twice with teenagers. No one got hurt, thank God.

    Ho, ho, ho! Sabot slugs! I need to evolve into that. LL's a fan, I know this.

  4. I know all about those soggy ranges. The 200 yard line at the one where I'm an RSO is a swamp due to all the rain and snow we've had this winter. We're getting more rain at this moment just as things were showing signs of drying out. On a brighter note, tomorrow night is the annual RSO appreciation dinner and I'm looking forward to some catfish on my plate.
    Later today I have a meeting at the Johnson County Kansas jail. Every April the sheriff's department there sponsors a pistol match benefiting Kansas Special Olympics and I've been working it for four years now. Last year we had 300 shooters. This year we hope to draw in 350. Fun for all.

  5. If you’re looking to hunt a unicorn, but don’t know where to begin, try Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Since 1971, the university has issued permits to unicorn questers. Anyone embarking on such a search is advised to carry a flask of cognac and a pair of pinking shears.

    Shall we?

  6. Yay, a day on the range is a good thing!

  7. Tejas is looking more and more like the place where me and the misses will end up in retirement.

  8. Sweet. I suspect that any "targets of opportunity" likely got wind of your marksmanship, and suddenly remembered a pressing engagement elsewhere.

  9. Congrats on the dinner, Jim, nice one. And that sounds like quite a shoot!

  10. Not a bad place to land, Kid. Mind you, the summer's are brutal, but move and help us defeat the millionaire socialists that are trying to flip the state into the new California.

  11. RHT, they very sensibly kept their heads down!
