Sunday, March 10, 2019

The World The Flesh And The Devil

What shall it profit a man?

To gain the whole world

And lose his soul?

Here at the Compound we hope you've enjoyed this photo homily and don't be scared, victory's assured.

Deus Vult,



  1. Frightening pictures. Gustave Dore could not have illustrated better.

  2. Rejoice, Rejoice, you have no choice. You have to pick sides. Either you throw in with the modern day priests of Baal and the minions of Lucifer, or you pick God.

    It's not much of a pick, but people continually get it wrong. Jesus said, "For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in therein." The FBI and their corrupt elite membership chose this route and they chose poorly, because results are entirely predictable.

    "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

  3. No doubt about it, Linda. Stand firm.

  4. Jim, I always used to use those Dore pics on church bulletins, maybe I should again.

  5. There's a Gadarene rush to perdition, LL, and I don't say that with a judgemental spirit, just the way it is.

    Then there's the FBI.You'd think, because they're so genius, that their crimes would be invisible but no, all the world can see they're lying mountebanks.

    Will their DS, Illuminati coup continue? For that matter, will FISA finally be declassified. We live and hope.
