Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Russia Hoax

Well, well, as all the world knows, Nancy Pelosi's decided that impeaching Trump isn't such a good idea because "he's not worth it." Or, roughly translated, because she knows the entire Russian collusion story was just that, a faked up pack of lies. And what a story it's been.

I won't bore you with details. Fraudulent FISA warrants, wanton lies, at least one murder, the phony dossier, Ukrainian power politics, MI6, Australia, lies and yet more lies, money, DNC criminality and the ongoing $30+ million Mueller investigation itself. And far, far more, what a seething mass of corruption in pursuit of power even if that meant reinventing the Cold War.

That said, you have to hand it to the Democrats and their media clown show, Goebbels would be proud. Admit it, what a bold call, claiming without a shred of evidence that the US President is a Kremlin agent. That's right, a Russian spy.

You'd think there'd be something to impeach in that. Apparently not.

Vodka all 'round!



  1. The Kremlin laughed at us.

    And the donkeys made a mockery, more than anything else, to cover the coup attempt by the FBI and others in the Deep State.

  2. But, but, but, it should have worked. Damned deplorables mess up everything.

  3. Somebody fed them after midnight or got them wet. That's the only explanation for Trump winning.....

  4. WSF, she was SUPPOSED to win!

  5. Those dam kremlins, drjim. They get everywhere.
