Saturday, January 26, 2019

State Of The Union

'Coz everything's just fine in the land of the free and brave. Infographic via Borepatch who thinks things might get nasty.

I put it to the fighting monkey who promptly put on a spiked hat and marched about the living room singing "Erika." Vicious little alt-right beast.

But seriously, since when did we become some kind of Stasi Soviet and how long are we going to put up with it?

My feeling, for what it's worth, is that tempers are... frayed.

Love and Peace,



  1. LSP, time time lock and load....

  2. We need to eject the Deep State. Easier said than done as the President is finding out. Much easier to eject the Deep State in Venezuela.

  3. Will San Fran Nan continue to deny the POTUS the House Chamber for the SOTU -- now that the government is opening again?

  4. AOW - Or will this be an opportunity for fiscal Conservatives to dispense with one of the many Beltway circus acts?

    Re: Stasi State, who from POTUS on working to limit State surveillance on American Citizens....or indeed - dismantle the "deep state"; especially when proffering an AG nominee such as Barr? It's a sham.

    1. CI,
      The SOTU may well now be a circus act.

      But for a member of Congress to deny the POTUS the ability to speak in the Capitol and address the Congress, is an unwelcome precedent, IMO.

  5. I don't expect anything out of the DOJ, and there is a reason the feds bought billions of $ of ammo.

  6. You might well have a point, Anon.

  7. LL, it seems the DS runs deep indeed. Please, when you're finished with Venezuela, could you sort out the Mueller thing? Thanks.

  8. Sure looks that way, AOW. Getting close to open mutiny, eh?

  9. Good point, CI. In the meanwhile, watch out for that knock on the door.

  10. Ah yes, Kid. All those bullets. That played havoc with my shooting for a while.

  11. AOW -- unwelcome's not in it.

  12. I really don't know how much longer this can go on before violence erupts.

    I never thought I'd see the United States become East Germany.
