Saturday, January 26, 2019

New York Goes Full Pink Moloch

You may have forgotten, in the blizzard of bizarre news, that New York's state Senate has passed a law legalizing late term abortion. What does this mean? Via Countable:

Just to drive home the point, here is how a late-term abortion — the kind of abortion just legalized in New York — is carried out: as it has been explained by a former abortionist, the baby is injected with a poison directly into his skull or torso. He then suffers a hideously painful death, which he will certainly feel because of his developed nervous system. The mother carries the corpse around in her womb for a day. The next day, there is an ultrasound to check if the baby is dead. If he isn’t — if he has been writhing and suffering in agony for the past 24 hours, clinging onto life — then he will be injected again. The following day, the mother delivers her dead child. Sometimes she delivers him at the clinic, but if she can’t make it on time, the clinic is perfectly happy to recommend that she give birth into her toilet.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who calls himself Catholic, called this an “historic victory for New Yorkers and our progressive values” and lit up One World Trade Center in pink to celebrate the triumph.

Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Archbishop of New York, has rejected calls to excommunicate Cuomo. I tell you, Satan is openly, unashamedly, brazenly stalking the land. 

In the meanwhile, New York is officially full Moloch.




  1. Sends a chill through me, Parson.....

  2. The rapid devolution of the United States!

  3. In 1935 the Nazi Nuremburg Race Laws removed all civil rights from Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and those with disabilities. This meant when the Nazis killed any of these groups, no Law was being broken.
    In 1967 the UK's Abortion Act removed all civil rights from the unborn. This means that when the unborn are aborted in the UK, no Law is being broken.
    The number of UK abortions since 1967 has now reached 6 Million.

  4. A sign that a civilization is in decline. What's next? The killing of "defective" children after birth?

  5. Me too, drjim, and more than that.

  6. AOW, it's satanic and I don't say that lightly.

  7. Anon, the NSDAP would be proud. Over here, they're selling baby parts to improve the bottom line and make some extra loot. Same thing in the UK? Serious question.

  8. Whoa, Jim! Now you're talking. Just think, some of the defectives might prove useful to science. There could be special "health centers" to carry out the experiments.

  9. WSF, I had to think twice about putting in the Walsh quote on account of it being so... utterly sickening. I don't see how a society which does this can continue to stand.

  10. When I first saw the animated movie "Heavy Metal", little did I realize how much of it would turn out to be prophecy.

  11. Maybe if Cuomo were to wear A MAGA hat Dolan would excommunicate him.
