Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hillary 2020

News is in that Hillary's thinking about a 2020 run for the Presidency. She's emboldened by her Deep State friends arresting Roger Stone.

Will the FBI secure the election of their candidate, avenging this?

Or is the toothpaste outta the tube? Because it's Sunday, I'll suggest something spiritual. We're in a war of light against darkness, life v. death, good v. evil.

If you doubt me, see New York and it's latest homage to the demonic death god, Moloch. Scary, yes, but victory's assured and in the meanwhile, whoever said it wouldn't be tough sledding.

Don't fear the reaper and in the meanwhile, Hillary 2020? Yes, please.

Your friend and ally,



  1. A rematch between the Old Crone and The Donald would be great. ANd we all thought the crone's health was as issue a few years ago, just add another 4 years onto her aging cankles, and see how they hold up in a 2 year campaign.

    Then again, we could just 'lock her up.' Of course, we have to content with the now aging joke: What's the difference between Hillary Clinton and a ham sandwich? You can indict a ham sandwich....

    Get it?

  2. Hillary will be up against something like 30 people, all of whom want Donald Trump's job. And that doesn't include the people like the CEO of Starbucks who will run as an independent. She was a decrepit candidate last time. Maybe some treadmill time and energy drinks will prepare her for this next shot at the championship?

    I think that the question is whether she can kill the 30 people to secure the nomination - and then kill the CEO of Starbucks? It's a tall order, but I think that she's up to the task.

  3. Heh.

    The Eagles--"Dirty Laundry"--

    "Can we film the operation?
    Is the head dead yet?
    You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet"

    fly my pretties, FLY
    still gives me the creeps

  5. And we have have to ask, AOW. Where do flies typically land?

  6. Fredd, I love that joke, sometimes the old ones are the best ones. And please, please make Hillary run 2020. Mind you, the CRONE's going to be facing down 30+ contenders for the throne. Who knows, maybe they'll all get suicided.

  7. I know, LL. Hillary's facing a whole new challenge, can she kill that many people in a mere 2 years? Yes, she surely can. But you've missed something out.

    YOUNG BLOOD infusion centers are opening up across the country, promising the elixir of life to the elderly and infirm at $8k a shot. Where will the blood and distilled fetal tissue come from? Who knows, it's a total mystery.

    Unlike Hillary's ties to Planned Parenthood.

    Let's reflect on that.

  8. Whoa, RHT!

    Good call. Don't even mention RBG.

  9. Egyptian, I might have to post that.
