Monday, September 24, 2018

Willie Nelson Goes Full Beto Soy

Famed Texas outlaw country superstar, Willie Nelson, dismayed fans by announcing he's rooting for cross dressing, cotton gin chasing, DUI running Beto. 

Look, a Delicious Beto!

And no, Beto isn't just a delicious Mexican cheese sandwich, it's an ambitious Democrat who's fixing to take Ted "He May Be A Fool But He's Our Fool" Cruz's seat in the Senate.

Not content with this shameless, brazen, literal skulduggery, multimillionaire socialist Nelson plans to boost Beto's candidacy with a new tour, The Boys Gone Soy.

Nice Frontrunners, Beto

Waylon Jennings had this to say.

And what can we say? 

Mothers, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.

Ride on,



  1. A lot of people don't know that Willie is a serious drug-addict. That would explain his attraction to Liberalism.

    Maybe after Beaver-Face Beto gets flattened by Ted Cruz in November, he and Willie can move to 'Brokeback Mountain' together and grow pot.

  2. Wille's a brilliant songwriter and I've enjoyed his music for quite a number of years. I always knew that politically he lined up on the left side of the spectrum, but now it appears he's gone full bore loon in his dotage. Perhaps it was one joint too many that did it.

  3. Willie is an old hippie. I like his songs - and I hate to admit it - but my playlist contains songs by people I don't "like" or agree with. My advice is, stick to singing or acting.

  4. I've always really liked Willie Nelson. Now I really love Willie Nelson.

  5. Willie has long been left of center, now he's long gone...

  6. If this is true, I expect it would be because his brain is addled from too much marijuana use.

  7. Nightwind, I can't argue with that logic. But I do like a tasty fried beto with all the fixings. No, not the Democrat!

  8. Jim, maybe that's true. He's obviously not thinking straight.

  9. Mine too, LL. Play away, but it's sad to see the old outlaw country hippy go all beto.

  10. I've always loved Willie Nelson, GL.

    Speaking of trolls, see Avenatti and 4chan/pol.


  11. I have to agree, Linda. It messes them up.
