Sunday, September 23, 2018

Assault And Battery White Wolf Remix

This one's for the White Wolf Mine and LL. I won't won't comment further except to say that a RAMPART needs a TOWER and we're all looking forward to the PLANE, which is important.

Fields of Fire and lock her up,



  1. I'm sure LL appreciates this one. I liked your choice this time myself.

  2. It's a great theme song. Sort a made-for-movie theme.

    A tower is on the list of things to do but at the moment, getting the shack completed is a high priority.

  3. Not a bad pop song, Jim. I thought the "assault and battery" was perhaps appropriate!

    BTW -- Lemmy was in the lineup, which shows. Kept those hippies moving forward.

  4. Glad you liked it, LL. Definitely an epic feel to the tune and we're all looking forward to WWM The Movie.

    In my mind, this is a kind of Rhodesia meets Arizona tale of one man's quest to find freedom and fulfillment, counterpoised, in the movie, with the adventures of a SPACE ARK.

    Check it out, there's an anthem.

  5. Whoa... Juliette!

    There's wolves and there's wolves.

    Must sort out an RV in Soho.
