Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Beautiful Rainbow Evensong!

One of the best things about Anglicanism is its big tent inclusivity. On the one hand it has breadth to encompass the harsh calvinist and on the other, the sacramental catholic. Then there's this, from the recent Pride Evensong in Brisbane cathedral. Here's an excerpt:

Rainbow Christ, you embody all the colors of the world. Rainbows serve as bridges between different realms: Heaven and Earth, east and west, queer and non-queer. Inspire us to remember the values expressed in the rainbow flag of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community.

Orange is for sexuality, the fire of spirit. Erotic Christ, you are our Fire, the Word made flesh. Free us from exploitation, and grant us the grace of mutual relationships. With the orange stripe in the rainbow, kindle a fire of passion in us.

Moving, right? But don't worry, there's more. The Dean, Peter Catt, went on to reflect on the Trinity. 

Unsurprisingly, the Trinity, for Catt, is queer because it's not about "binaries," heaven forfend. Here he is, "The Trinity is our Queering principle, that which invites us to defy binaries and labels."

That'll bring 'em in!

Before you throw up in your mouth, remember this. Those who go against the Holy Spirit will be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit. The same, by extension, goes for the Holy Trinity.

Some Old Fruit

Well done David Virtue, David Ould and Anglican Ink for bringing in the news.

Your Friend,



  1. I love the Holy Spirit. I call him the messenger from God the Father and God the Son.

  2. Equating the Trinity with a sexual three-some is some kind of serious perversion. That anyone would give voice to that and remain in a position of honor, trust and profit is disturbing.

  3. Now they've ruined rainbows for me.
