Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Back in the day we used to call Manchester Gunchester, because of all the people that got shot there, even though guns are pretty much banned in the UK. 

That stopped the crims, obviously, and everyone else wasn't allowed to enjoy shooting sport or defend themselves.

Please don't laugh, Texas gun owners

Which is unfortunate, because Gunchester crims don't obey nanny state's gun laws and normal people aren't able to defend themselves in the city's rising crime wave. 


They have to rely on the police. Check it out, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) will save you.

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There it is, the GMP rainbow eggs are gonna keep you safe. Just dial 911.

God bless,



  1. I like the rocket launcher. And what sort of idiot criminal is going to knock over a liquor store with a Broomhandle Mauser? That's worth some coin to collectors.

  2. A broomhandle Mauser and a Bren LMG??? WTH???

  3. The UK Metro police could earn LL points by donating those weapons they confiscate to the White Wolf Assn. I'd treat them to bee chou men at Lee Ho Fook's.

  4. I was thinking exactly the same thing, Borepatch! There's a shop that sells them in Dallas (the Armory, Snyder Plaza) and I'd get one if I could. But how'd one get into the hands of a crim?

  5. NFO, my thoughts entirely. WTH???? I used to enjoy firing those Bren LMGs, btw.

  6. You should make a deal with the GMP -- they get predictive crime analysis consultancy (look guys, it's simple, throw a dart at the wall, catch a crim), the WWM gets some useful weapons and everyone gets a great meal in Soho.

    Drinks all 'round.

  7. The GMP, huh? I would be happy to point them at the Mooselims living in the area (miscreants all) as shifty, shady types, willing to nick a penny from the eye of a corpse.

  8. That C96 broomhandle Mauser could have been sold legally in the US for mucho $$$!

  9. LL, I'm not a prophet but I see a successful consultancy opportunity arising in the near future.

  10. Chas, my thoughts entirely! Stupid crims...
