Sunday, March 5, 2017


Presented without comment except to say that Barack Obama claims he didn't know what his friend AG Loretta Lynch and the DOJ were doing. Not that they were doing anything and even if they were, it's the Russian's fault because they STOLE the election from its rightful owner, Hillary, who was the most qualified person ever to be President. And now she's not, because of the RUSSIANS and their SPIES.

Yes, SPIES, like Donald Trump, General Flynn and Jeff Sessions. So it's a good thing they were tapped, even though they probably weren't and the BEST PRESIDENT EVER, Barack Obama, didn't know anything about it anyway, even if they were, which they weren't. Repeat Ad. Naus.

Note, in the absence of comment from the Compound, how DJT controls the narrative like a Boss, as the Democrats flail and spin in their risible attempt to make themselves look good in the face of their crushing election defeat.

God bless,



  1. Then that was that embarrassing open microphone when Barack promised he could do more for Russia after he was elected the second time...and there was Hillary's uranium deals with the Russians. Oh, the hypocrisy runs deep in the ObamaNation.

  2. Deep, LL?

    It knows no bounds.....

  3. When this first came out yesterday I said to hubby, "Do you really think that Trump did not have the Trump Tower swept - probably every day?" My guess is he knew the taps were there and acted accordingly and gathered the info for future use. This is not Trump's first rodeo.

  4. I agree with Adrienne. The Donald did not put billions of dollars into his bank accounts by being an idiot.

    The guy is sharper than all of the Dems, with the possible exception of Nancy Pelosi - she's a genius. Her and Sheila Jackson Lee.

  5. LL, you'd think the dems would be more careful when slinging mud around. Apparently not.

  6. Deep as the sea and twice as wide, drjim.

  7. Nancy's a special sort of genius, Fredd.

  8. Tech Comment:

    Wiretaps are conducted remotely, not with a "bug in the room". You can bug a room but usually those are passive these days and they only transmit (burst transmission) every week or so with a very short transmission event. You can also bounce lasers off glass and can hear what's said in a room. There are ways to defeat most of these with the exception of the wiretap, which takes place at the phone switch.

    Tapping satellite phones is also managed at the switch when the signal is beamed back down to Earth.

  9. I don't believe any comments from the 'obama' crew, any more than I believe the Russians had anything to do with the election.

    Love the post and comments, though.

    Hope you all have a blessed week.

  10. The Donald has team ozero and his wench Valerie jared right where he wants them, it's put up or shut up time.
    If the left has proof of trump and the Russians, how did they get it, Wiretaps, nsa, who when where? Treasonous activities all around! if they don't, stfu,stfd, go away, fake news all around and libel suits. Notice, the media and some of the politicrats are backing away, slowly, like suddenly seeing a skunk, either way some careers are toast, and with luck obummer could be totally ruined.

    in Jesus's name we pray

  11. Thanks for the tech backgrounder, LL

    One thing the Democrats are finding as people start to bounce lasers around the inside of the glass donkeyhouse is the stench of hypocrisy and corruption. I don't have access to the STE's, oddly, but I'd wager they corroborate.

  12. Glad you liked it, Linda!

    And I agree with you, the Russian gambit is stupid fauxtrage hysteria.

  13. Well said, Egyptian. I could see more than a bit of this coming back o bite the dems. Hey, they deserve it.
