Monday, March 6, 2017

Dental D Day

Today was D Day, dental D Day. As LL reminds me, don't put it off, take the war to the enemy, in this case, my teeth. So I drove across Dallas to get the malefactors pulled. 

Unlike the real D Day, this operation didn't hurt, and nobody got killed. In fact it seemed like a lot less hassle than a root canal, and there I was, 2 implants and a set of falsies later, ready to get back in the fight.

You know, the kind of fight that doesn't involve speaking, eating or anything much to do with your mouth. But hey, it had to be done otherwise tooth poison was going to get to the heart and bring this endeavor to an untimely end. To say nothing of the ultimate benefit of a functional mouth.

In other news, the tyranny of Blogger is about to be broken with big thanks to HS who's kindly arranged hosting and development for It's "live" so feel free to have a look, but bear in mind it's "under development." 

God bless,



  1. What a weird coincidence. Both Adrienne and Gruntessa had serious crown work done today, as well. I feel left out! I didn't know it was Official Dental Surgery Day...

  2. It's been a day of teeth, Grunt... mine was radical but fortunately the diocese picked up the ticket. Thank God.

    Hope Gruntessa's alright!

  3. You know this post should have been called "Bite Me" just sayin'

    Now let me have a look at your new LSP home...

  4. This was nothing like a report on CNN.

    It was the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth (so help me God).

    I have a visit to the dentist today. It's only a cleaning, but it's still a dental visit.

  5. They say God doesn't make mistakes. As my mother always said, "He could have given us 3 set of teeth!"

  6. Jules, you're right! The new place needs some fixing up...

  7. Hope it worked out well, LL.

  8. That, Infidel, is a very good point.
