Sunday, August 3, 2014

I Hate Clown Masses

Maybe you like Clown Masses. Maybe you don't think they're sinister and wrong.


That'd be a bad mistake.

Typical Dobby, Goofing Off

God bless,



  1. I'm sure that many people hear "calliope music" when they step into one of the Arch Bishop's sermons.

    Think about the business end of things. If you get a heavier collection plate by putting on white face and a red nose - so long as the Gospel is not the point, "What difference does it make?"

  2. I'm pretty sure clown anything is sinister and wrong.

  3. Would make for a messy communion chalice, wouldn't it? yuck.

  4. Jenny- Clown slobber? Would it be better if the make-up was simply tattooed onto the clown/minister?

  5. Very good tattoo point. Just ink it on.

  6. If it is tattooed on, are they still clowns? It's not make-up then-- they aren't dressing up. Technically no different then than any "artificially enhanced" human body. Churches in Austin are full of inked skin, fake boobs, dyed hair. All clowns? arguably...

    (I understand clown masses are fundamentally disrespectful. But still, it becomes a curious spectrum when you consider the variables. Are clown collars any worse than trampy tops?)

  7. Wait-- key factor-- the centrality of the enhancement. So, in other words, if people held a "fake-boob mass", that would be MORE disrespectful than just the odd Jane showing up enhanced.

    Mass should be about Christ. Not the parishioners.

  8. If it's a permanent evil clown face, it won't get wiped or smeared during the orgy after the delivery of the "black mass".

  9. Are Clowns biblical?

  10. So, what former Anglo Catholic church are they desecrating in the photos? So I know what to steer clear of during lightning storms.

  11. I am worried. The wire to the back of Dobbey's head? Is he another droid? Certainly looks sinister. Dobbey Droid Mark 1 - looks like an aged Euro-pop star including the dress sense.

  12. Nothing quite like a clown Mass to get things going, Borepatch.

  13. The church is Holy Trinity Wall Street. Richer than a trainload of Nazi gold.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The wire's certainly worrying. Who are its controllers?

  16. Apparently Lucifer needs wires now. That's just a bit disturbing at many levels.

  17. Hmmmm. Radio control possession solution.

  18. All this time I thought of Dobie as sort of an autonomous evil droid - like the sorts on Star Wars. Sure, the Dark Side of the Force controlled him, but now this new revelation that he's wire guided. It's disturbing here in Disturbia.

  19. It took me aback too. I think the world needs to know. Forewarned is forearmed.

  20. Thank Goodness, Father Dillon won't see this since he retired to the back nine. He would so be in someones face, clowns, bahhh.

  21. Good Lord. Please say this is a joke, that there are no such thing as clown masses, that these pictures are staged or doctored. For the love of all that is holy, please tell me there are no such things.

  22. It's all true, Padre. Sorry.

  23. Far too much clowning around in the church, Brighid.
