Monday, May 6, 2013


Maybe, just maybe, it's coming back to bite ya.

Let's hope.



LL said...

The "progressives" didn't care the first time. I doubt that they'll care any more this time than they did then. Most of them likely nodded their heads at Sec. Clinton's "what does it matter?" comment.

You need to have a heart to care. The progressives are the people who thrill to the concept of disposing of unwanted children through the practice of murder/abortion. What's four more human lives in Benghazi?

LSP said...

To paraphrase General Westmoreland, they have a different concept of the value of life...

Did you notice that Holder's wife is co-owner of an abortion clinic? She's an ob gyn, apparently.

But regardless LL, something's certainly rotten in the state of the er, secretariat of state.

Wouldn't want to be a "whistleblower"... might be dangerous to the health. You could write the book!

Third News said...

I think those who have adopted the "what does it matter? mantra will learn it does,eventually -politics is an equal opportunity teacher.

When the partisan karma hits, will the 'truth and facts' side remember their canon?

I'm not sure principles will always trump politics

LSP said...

Principles? Politics? Shurely shome mishtake, Third News...

Third News said...

@LSP, to keep the alliteration theme: meant 'merican men minus malignant baby-kissers -oops, can't find an 'm' word for politicians.

BTW, I didn't ever refer to a politician as having principles.