Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let's Rock


Here we go now, turn it up, and before you scoff and sneer, can you ride? You know, like a horse.

Just asking,


PS. With apologies to WSF and all of you who've forgotten more riding stuff than I've ever learned. Still. Ride on, eh?

PPS. Some music kid turned to me, 25 years ago at least, and asked, "Where's the Bass, man?" I looked at that fool in my flat in Bloomsbury and he looked at me. Mona was on the juke. There was a silence. You'll be glad to know there wasn't a single head butt and no firearms were involved, not even the notoriously hidden Derringer in GJ's dubious custody. Boom, Hey Mona. Take that. Cheers, and if that's opaque, better yet :)

Your Best Pal,



  1. Well, that definitely wasn't Roy Rogers.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. I like a quick blast of QSMS now and again, Linda.
