Sunday, September 1, 2024

Go On - Attack Israel You Moslem Savages


Hamas Attacks Ravers

So. Six Jewish hostages were just found shot in the head by the IDF in a tunnel somewhere in Gaza. Now help me out. On October 7 Hamas paragliders (!) drifted down onto Israeli kibbutz raves and kidnapped all these young people, ravers. One minute you're listening to dance music, the next you're hog-tied to a dirt bike and driven into a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.

Like, wow. Imagine that happening in Texas. MS 13 paradrops into El Paso and carries off men, women and children to... tunnels underneath Jaurez. And they demand, give us El Paso and the border or we kill them. After all, it's Mexican territory, stolen by the gringo. What d'ye think we'd do, in such a case?

HAMAS shot this civilian in a tunnel, what utter scum

Wipe. Them. Out. Utterly. With extreme prejudice. Probably set up a buffer zone in Mexico to boot. That in mind, why should the Jews in Israel behave any different? They're in a war for their very survival, and if they don't prosecute that to the best of their ability, i.e. by killing Hamas and its supporters, then they're traitors to themselves.

OK, we get IDF logic, which I pretty much support, I have friends in that crew, but still we have to ask. Why did the IDF allow the Hamas outrage to occur in the first place and, again, why did they do it in the first place knowing that retribution would be on an unprecedented industrial scale?

Get Down On It Boys

Serious questions, and if you know the answers, and even if you don't, feel free to enlarge.

All Best,



  1. Honestly, with all the lies and misinformation coming out of the Gaza military exercise.

    Why would you believe that it was the "terrorists" vs the IDF?

    IN house to house action in the sandbox we shot first without inquiring who was in the room.

    I cannot assume a booby trapped tunnel network is any easier.

    I've seen personally the Berlin wall and Checkpoint Charlie when stationed at W Berlin. I've seen Dachau.

    I've seen the wall around the Gaza Strip and watched the IDF screen them as they went to work in Isreal.

    Same vibe, friend.

    What was that saying "When fighting monsters, take care not to become a monster"?

    There are NO Good Guys in this fracas.

    1. Oh, for copulation's sake. Israel has bent over backwards to give those Hamases land, freedom, money and material goods. The Gaza was owned by Israel and they gave it back. The Israeli Army fought against Israelis and ended up destroying Israeli settlements and homes so as to remove any sign of Israel.

      And Hamas responded by attacking Israel with rockets and mortars since 2006.

      During post 10/7/23 festivities, Israel notifies an area it is going to attack by at least 24 hours, usually 48, to allow 'innocent' civilians to evacuate. Which the 'innocent civilians' usually don't.

      Israel, if it attacks a specific target, tries to do so without too much collateral damage.

      Any Gazanites or Hamasholes that are captured are photographed and treated like POWs, given food, health care, lawyers and communications to their families.

      Yet Hamas sent no warning, no notice, killed and captured, didn't and doesn't provide medical care for those captured, rapes the people they capture (men and women, after all, the Koran says non-muslims are less-than-human so it's okay to use non-humans as copulation-toys,) allows no contact with the outside world and generally treats anyone captured far worse than the worst depredations of Imperial Japan to people it captured during WWII. Especially if one is a member of Israel's military.

      Egypt, supposedly muslim, has shut its border to the Gazans and has executed and imprisoned Hamasholes who have been discovered in Egypt.

      Just look at the 'people' makeup of Israel, Jews of all backgrounds and varieties, all who have to serve in the IDF unless given a waiver. Muslims, who don't have to serve, but lots do. Druze, who often do serve in the IDF. Christians of all flavors and varieties, not required to serve but many do. Animalistic religious members, same. Buddhists and other Eastern religions, same.

      Go to the West Bank controlled by Hezbollah or go to pre-10/7/23 Gaza as a Jew, Christian, Druze, Buddhist, Shintoist, Animalisticist and the inhabitants would and will actively try to rob you, destroy anything you have or create and work on enslaving or killing you.

      Yet, given all this, Israel is the bad guy?

    2. Seriously, where are all the kids roasted in ovens by the IDF? Now compare that number to those roasted alive in ovens by the Hamasholes. Yet Israel is at fault?

    3. M, thanks for that. I'm a little confused. Why did Israel allow this to happen, because Mossad and Shin Beth are rubbish, ignorant and blind? That aside, why did Hamas do it, knowing the fearsome cost?

      It's a bit like Ukraine: Evil Putler hit the rainbow because deranged Hitler psycho autocrat.

      So huh, what does this mean? I don't pretend to know but I do deplore all these people dying. What a hideous tragedy.

    4. Beans, I'm all for the IDF and have friends there. In fact, and you might chuckle, one of the guys at Entebbe. Good work, kid.

    5. Why did Israel fail at the intelligence? Because the feckless globalists took over and shifted intel activity from Hamas and Hezbollah to Iran and such. And the idiot people in control of Israel didn't understand that President Trump had Israel's back while most of the US government really really didn't. And they failed to understand how anti-semitic and anti-Jewish Biden Et Al would be.

      Complete intel failure on Israel's part. Still should be some repercussions in Israel's intel community.

      As to why Hamas, Hezbollah and every other muslim terrorist organization or state acted the way they did, I read somewhere that some famous person said that it was the Curse of the Arab, to always act at the positively worse time to act, to act in positively the most stupid way and to incur the worst repercussions and fail to understand why. They, in whole, act like that idiot who doesn't know how to use a stickshift who's stuck in the middle of a full intersection and finally gets his stalled car started only to run squarely into a dumptruck. Culturally the Arab Muslim terrorists are, yes, that stupid.

      The Hamasholes also counted on the acceptance of their actions by the US government (which, sadly, mostly, they were right about that) and the UN (those grasping dictatorial evil dictators) and the One-World-Government WEF style jackwagons. Which, yes, they got.

      The Hamasholes thought that by offering a fait complite, that the rest of the world would just go, "Eh, what's done is done."

      What the Hamasholes failed to do is understand how we Untermensch would react. And how much we don't care about what great violence Israel does to the Hamasholes other than to ensure said Hamaholes are crushed so hard their ancestors come back from the dead and slap them dead.

      And then Hezbollah had to go and target an Israeli Druze community. See above statements about 'wrong thing, wrong time, wrong place.'

  2. Regarding what would happen if it happened here in these United States, well, it is happening every day. How many people, now, have been killed or kidnapped or trafficked or just gone missing since Biden-Harris opened the floodgates of illegal immigration and Obama's inJustice Department during 2020 (no, Trump had no control over that department from the beginning to well even now) has pushed to stop enforcing any laws against said illegal immigrants (and now we have MS13 taking over whole apartment buildings in formerly conservative (yeah, a while ago...) Denver.

    What would Texas do? If it happened in Austin, the media would cover it up. If it happened outside of Austin (or any big, blue Texas city) and there was any retaliation by civilians, law enforcement, Tex Nat Guard the media would be very happy screaming about the evil blancos of Tejas killing and murdering and conquering good little Mehico innocent chillins. Bwahahahaha.

    Under the current government, executive, judicial, congressional and military would do... nothing. Except to condemn any actions taken by said rabid blancos.

    In the military, the senior staff and leaders would be the main issue. They would say, "We can't do this, we don't have the equipment or manpower or will to fight or or or or." Meanwhile pocketing monies from the Cartels and other sponsors of the Democratic Party (what, you don't think the Cartels aren't supporting the DNC? Bwahahahahahahaa.. snort.)

    Yes, given half a chance and the least little support from the eneMedia and the Federal Government, within 4 days there'd be a repeat of the Mexican-American War of 1846 and we'd be working hard to establish at least a 25 mile deep corridor of death, doom and destruction from one coast to another. Or at least under sane and proper leadership we would.

    The worst thing if such an invasion/kidnapping actually happened is that the Federal Government would spend far more resources in tracking down, prosecuting and/or killing any American who stood up against said invasion/mass kidnapping. And said federal forces would react against any official action by Texas authorities, up to and including moving out elements of the US Army from Texas bases to cut off any National Guard or Law Enforcement Posses and to arrest any Texas politician who ordered or supported said action.

    Think I'm kidding? Since Columbine, every police force has had in their policies and procedures that the first cops on scene are to enter and recon by fire. And what happened at Uvalde? Who did the Feds support, the children and families or the feckless POS pooolice officers, who all swore to protect and serve (their own feckless arses?)

    I'd like to believe that seconds, minutes, hours or at the most a few days that the overbearing power of Federal, States (yeah, more than Texas, all the states) National Guards ordered by their respective governors, State LEOs (like the Texas Rangers, Texas Bureau of Investigations, local LEOs and Citizen Militias would descend upon the US-Mexico Border and inflict what we did to Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. Kill everything in front of us, military, cartels, citizens who get in the way. Do what William the Conqueror did to Scotland when Malcolm couldn't/wouldn't/actively encouraged his Scots to cross into England to do some copulation, being create the aforementioned 25 mile wide swath of death and destruction wherein We the People would create a desert and call it peace.

    You may

    1. Beans, just imagine the SOUND and FURY when Texas starts to roll :)

    2. I hope that Texas starts to roll. So far every time they've rolled, they've backed down to the Federales.

  3. Israel needs to do what needs done, and f**k world opinion. Poor Gaza civilians? First, they voted out the PLO and elected Hamas. After Oct 7, they were dancing in the streets and abusing Jewish captives and bodies.

    Oct 7 Hamas beheaded babies in front of their parents. They bound children then burned them alive. Mass rapes, etc.

    Those in this country supporting Hamas would do the same, IMO, given the opportunity. Satan's pawns.

  4. Beans as in full of them. Your comments never waver. Even at Chatu de Part AF Sarge has made you back off with requests for some FACTS to back your FEELINGS.

    So far, I've not seen you claim any grunt level combat time.

    FEEL FREE to pass your vast experience in house to house fighting.

    1. My dear M, Beans is an enthusiast! say that as a not very good infrantryman...

    2. Simple. I ain't one. Sorry, allergies, bad digestive system, hearing and balance issues and such. I make 4F look good.

      What I have done is talked to people who were 'there.' Read books. Played simulations. Thought a lot about it. Actually done hand-to-hand fighting and ground skirmishes under fire.

      Just because I never was a 'real warrior' doesn't mean I don't understand the difference of the ROE in WWII to the pansied, pacified ROE placed upon our military by the Clintons and on.

      Now, I did talk to a guy on Roi-Namur who was leading my family around on a tour of Roi-Namur who fought as a US Marine at Roi-Namur and learned about Pacific-style house-to-house fighting. You know, where a US battleship punched a concreted gun position with a 14" AP round.

      Talked to some guy one time who was in the Battle of the Bulge.

      Talked to one guy, a retired Col. William Leverette, about air war in the Med. And how murderous the conditions were for our pilots and crew. You know, 7 JU-87s in one combat flight. And he basically shot the last one down by mauling it with one of his propellors. Not purposefully, mind you, but it worked.

      I also haven't built cars, but know how to do it. I never set dynamite but I learned how to do that from my dad. I never flew a bomb-toss maneuver in an F-84G but I know how to do that, too. I never ran a saw-mill, but I know the basics. The first time I ever rode a horse I already knew more about the evolution of saddles and tack and could saddle a horse better than many 'experienced' riders, and that I rode and posted like a veteran. Never actually did UXB but I've got the basics down. I know 'how' lathes work even though I've never done that. Same with old-school farming and animal husbandry, never done it, got a huge body of knowledge in my head. First time I wove a basket it turned out better than most people doing it for years (I still have that basket, it's a tight one, just the size for carrying a small harvest of eggs or veges.)

      First time I tried Bayonet Combat (old school, M1s) I shocked the seasoned fighters with my understanding of body motion and how to stop the opponent. Even though I've never gone to Boot Camp.

      Just because I didn't wear a uniform and actually do military things, you know, like Half-Wit Walz, doesn't mean I don't know about stuff.

      Remember. General George Washington's Commander of Artillery was a fat bookseller who was an artillery enthusiast. You know, one Henry Knox, who before helping get and transport all of Fort Ticonderoga's cannon and was one of the few colonials who knew and understood how to sight, service and fire a field or fortification piece.

      Alfred the Great was a friggin monk before becoming King of the Anglish and fighting the Danes.

      So what's your point about my not serving?

  5. You know, being questioned as to my bona-fides because I have opinions (and actually change them when presented facts contrary to my opinions) even though I never served, well, that's like being told I can't have an opinion on abortion because I'm not a vagina carrying meat sack, or I can't have an opinion on being a democrat because I've, since voting age, never was one.


    Sorry, LSP, for bringing a huge soap box and setting it on fire on your blog.

  6. Because Dear Beans. INSIDE a booby trapped tunnel FRIENDLY FIRE Isn't.

    You got ALL in a fancy RANT about Muh Iseral when I said that the TRUTH of WHO SHOT the Hostages is at best IN DOUBT.

    So, I asked you WHAT Bona Fides do YOU have to dispute if Friendly Fire didn't kill the hostages.

    AND Ta Ta! A NEW Rant blows hot air over everything.

    1. So are you saying that the Israelis attacked the raves using paragliders?

      And of course friendly fire probably killed some hostages. That is the Israeli way, hostages are dead until they are recovered alive. They try very hard not to kill hostages, but breakage occurs. Just ask any SWAT team that's done Hostage Rescue.

      And, so, where are your bonafides?

      I still trust Israel far more than the Hamasholes.

  7. More than 2 decades as a combat medic. Served in Bosnia during the ethnic cleansing. BEEN to West Berlin SAW the wall and Checkpoint Charlie. Been to Dachau and been to Gaza to SEE the wall and IDF Check Point Charlie that the Palestinians have to go through to work at jobs nobody in Israel will do.

    I know the on the ground story pre-current event.

    Trusting our Bestest Ally EVAR is a foolish concept. PLEASE TELL ME what Isreal ever did for the United States of America.

    My table is over here with a pot of coffee.

    Good enough for Beans?

    1. M, B is /our guy.

      Now, let's not the warriors who taught us. In my case, they went through the last Big One. Dam, my old JROTC RSM (UK equiv, had fought at Arnhem, serious soldier). Me? Not so much!

      Anyway, I HATE these people gusting and baying for moar war (not Beans). Of cousre I've gotta kid in the game.


  8. Beans, set fires all you like! There's "no rule."

  9. As to Entebbe, you'd think that the terrorists would have learned from the Munich Olympic Massacre and the subsequent world-wide hunt for those involved. Then they did Entebbe and still didn't learn.

    Good movie, by the way. Crazy mission.
