Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tay Tay Jihad


What is it with Tay Tay, aka Taylor "Swift"? Is it her awesome, ahem, music, her mean little eyes, being a Nazi pin up, her vast wealth and matrilineal descent from Satanist Anton LaVey's wife, Zeena? Or maybe it's just the fact that she/her is a white woman singing. Who knows, but what we all know is this, Tay Tay is a veritable JIHAD MAGNET.

Just the other day a Rwandan savage went all stab Rwandan on a bunch of little girls pretending to be Taylor Swift, in Southport, which is a kind of depressed suburb in Northern England. Awful, and the frenzied immigrant bloodletting stirred up a reaction.

Yes indeed, all these Brits looting Gregg's for sausage rolls and associated shops for Crocs. They even did a psyop, threatening unrest in some 100 towns last night, and didn't turn up, leaving SkyNews to be attacked by roaming gangs of Jihadis and some unfortunate Labour councilor who's been ruined for "hate speech." But OK, that was formerly Great Britain.

Further afield, in beautiful, elegant, civilized Vienna Tay Tay was going to perform a series of "live shows," migraine inducing eyes and all, but what happened? A young Moslem and his buddies decided to go full Jihad and bomb/stab the Swifties at their concert venue.

Bad call, Aloha Snackbar, now you're looking at gaol forever, in Austria, as opposed to 72 virgins or whatever your savage creed dictates. And here's the thing, Beloved Rulers: Encourage millions upon millions of Jihad savages into your lands in favor of higher rents, lower wages, big time votes and what do you get? Disorder, incendiarism, riot and unrest. Problem? Solution, ban freedom of speech and CLAMP DOWN.

Ban words, all those hateful words, verboten. But do you think, in your heart of hearts, that that threat, and the gaol it intimates, will somehow soothe the literal anger of people who see themselves replaced by an influx of cheap(ish) vote invaders? Let's put it another way.

You don't believe in reality, because you're postmodernist Cultural Marxists, so you endeavor to fix reality by changing the language. Good work, ancien regime commie, all the pronouns are changed, and then reality rises up like a wall and you run full-splat into it. Or something like that.

Do you think, dear readers, that Europe's like a tinderbox, waiting to go off, as if a firework in a dry field? To say nothing of the States. Just a thought. That in mind, why does Tay Tay attract Jihad?

Your Call,



  1. Maybe if she performed in a burka they would be happy. No that wouldn't work. Nothing will make these guys happy. If they only knew how spending eternity with 72 bickering virgins would make them feel...

    1. I feel, pewster, the virgins would be less than kind, in eternity.

  2. Whiteness offends them in the formerly white Europe.
    (Not that Swift is pro-white or anything, she's as anti-white as her Hollywood comrades!)

    1. Perhaps that's it, Anon, simple racism on their part. Possible.

  3. While I am opposed to stabbing little girls, burkas, purdah, and all that, Taylor Swift IS a bad influence. From the little I know of her, her songs are mostly about bad relationships and how all her boyfriends have been pieces of crap. This is a terrible role model for girls and young women. Anyone can fall in with a loser or a bad person once. Heck, twice or thrice even. But an unending string of such misfortune? Maybe you’re the problem, not males in general. Maybe look to the plank in your own eye.

    So far as resenting whiteness goes, maybe so with the Muslim invaders. But their presumed hatred has NOTHING on the white-hatred of the Sulzbergers and the Ignatievs and the Sontags and the Wises, and so forth. Most rational people (even lefties) correctly identify the recent immigrants as outsiders, as “other”. But, and paradoxically the right more than the left, they often love them some Ignatievs and Sulzbergers. Oh the irony, because the I’s and S’s purely despise YOU, conservative Christians. They hold you in utter contempt. “Open your eyes, sheeple!” (/sarc)

  4. Two branches of the same satanic tree. Sowing chaos and destruction in many ways. Their victims are always misguided folk.

  5. Not a Taylor Swift fan. Doubt I have ever listen all the way through one of her songs. What I do recognize is her hard work leading to her huge success. She started as a backup singer from some of the bigger female country entertainers (Faith Hill, for example). I admire people of humble means who become successful. As to all the little girls around the world who are Swifties, better than Disney characters.

  6. What can I say, Mike. Quite.

  7. Anon, you'll note it's all about death and, in Tay Tay's case, failed relationships, big money, mean little bead eyes and private jets spewing climate change.

    Is this a satanic indicator?

  8. I'm not a fan either, Mr. WSF, and I sympathize with your point of view and double it.


    1. Disney used to not be evil. But the slow takeover by the global homo pedophiles after Walt's death has ruined a lot of the company's reputation.

      The animated "Snow White" and "Sleeping Beauty" are two of the best film adaptations of the original fairy tales. Rather dark, full of violence. Only cleaned up a bit from the originals. Walt did a good job making sure the message of the story wasn't lost.

      Modern stuff, yeah, no. Globo-homo.

      As Sheriff Judd says, it's not a child pornography/child trafficking/child sex ring without at least one Disney employee being swept up. And I add, usually the Disney employee is part of the leadership of said rings.

  9. There is no reliable basis to the rumor that the Kansas City Chiefs are changing their name to the Kansas City least as far as YOU know.......

    1. Well yes, Wild. Now, I dare you, look into her eyes.

    2. Swift as in 'fast' or Swift as in 'dur-dur-dur retard'?

  10. Found this link to Swift airstrike over at Wirecutter's joint.
