Monday, August 19, 2024

Democrat Convention 2024


Weirdly Empty

Some of you may remember the Democrat Convention in '68, when Mayor Daley's enforcers sensibly beat up hippies in the windy city. I remember it, just, but not the DNC's anointed figurehead, Humphreys, who lost to Nixon. Flash forward to today and see how history rhymes, with an estimated 100,000 leftist protestors heading to Chicago to stick it to the Man.

Well, not the Man as such, because that would be mysogynist hate speech terrorism, see the UK, but most certainly the DNC's Israel supporting leadership. Killer Kamala, chant Transexuals For Palestine as masked up Pantifa beat their shields whilst larping the Yippies of yesteryear. Who knows, maybe they've been reading Play Power along with Mao's little red book.

So let's see how the DNC Elite and their Overlords resolve such cognitive dissonance, such disturbance in the force. For that matter. will the chosen figurehead of Strength Through Joy remain sober enough to give a speech. Perhaps, dare I say it, she/hers is influenced by the Kremlin?




  1. So, LSP, after that heartwarming soliloquy are you confused as I am as to what tomorrow was yesterday and today was last Thursday and if today is not tomorrow, what do we call it then?

    I wanted to ask, are you Roman Catholic or Anglican Catholic? My exwife's father was an Anglican Episcopal Priest in Spokane, Wa.

    1. Cederq, most totally confused!

      I'm an Anglo-Catholic who wishes we were in sacramental communion, communio in sacris, with Rome. And the East, for that matter.

  2. Coupla things about the DNC.

    First, did they learn nothing from 2016 and 2020? Where are the flags, the national and state flags? It's almost like the national flag to them is like a blessed silver crucifix, with a piece of the True Cross that's dripping in holy oil and squirts holy water while holding communion wafers in it's base, to a vampire.

    Second. Even in the empty hours of the RNC, the place was packed. It was a WWE/UFC type fan-filled fantastic emotional event. Soooo... Where are all the people? They keep telling me that Kamala and Wahl are so popular, where are all the people?

    Well, I guess when you've already had a Zoom meeting with the power-delegates to select the candidates and the eneMedia is doing all the talking points that have, again, been decided during various Zoom meetings, there's no reason to actually show up.

    And, any wishes for a black hole to Hell to open up and swallow the DNC and good parts of Chicago and replace them with demons and devils and parts of Hell, who'd notice? Might actually cut down on the crime and theft and graft, as even Hell has morals and rules...

    1. Beans, I can't watch it. Fakery overload.

      Off topic(ish). One of the reasons I moved to the States was sitting in that bar at the top of Sears Tower and watching the lights bend to the horizon. Why am I not here, I thought, and moved.

  3. I remember watching the Chicago Po-Leases bashing hippies over the head on TV in a most convincing fashion, and quite fondly, I might add.......

    Now as to La, all of y'all have got her confused rambling all wrong. What she said was: "We are all here, and because we are here, we are not there, because if we were there, we would not be here. Then we would be there then, and not here, and we are here now. Right? And because we are in the here and now, we are not in the there and then, because if we were there then, none of us would be here now, we would be over there now instead, and none of us could see ourselves. Heh-heh-heh. Right?"

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My Dear Wild, she's influenced by a Russian agent.

  4. I remember being an 8 year old, living in a suburb North of Chicago, asking the father of a classmate if he was "ever in a riot". This was 1970 and I thought it was just some sort of "big event". He was having lunch with us at the school, in his uniform, after he talked to us in class about what a police officer does. I'll never forget him looking down, becoming emotional, and assuring me it was not a "fun thing". My point? Every one of those people - on both sides and on sides they can't pick (my friend's dad) - are someones child and a child of God. What spiritual darkness gets into the mix on a grand scale for this to take place? It is no longer hard to discern.

    1. Seamus, we're contemporaries! Man, I used to have a tally of the B 52s(?) shot down over Vietnam... of course I was a child whose teachers mostly fought in WWII.

  5. What if whoever is running the country remove Brandon before the election and install Harris as president next month?
