Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All Hail The Annointed One


notice her possessed eyes and scabrous lower lip

Gentlemen and women, do you think, at this point, that there's some kind of relevance in voting, at all? And while we're at it, is that a nasty flesh eating skin carcinoma on Harris' lower lip? Looks pretty flesh eating to me, and what would you expect from a creature who belongs to SATAN.

Who knows, perhaps Christians around the country will actually tear themselves away from Joeal Osteen and go out and vote. Same applies to you, so-called catholics. In the meanwhile, isn't she/her beautiful. Dear God, we've come to this.

Kyrie Eleison, let's put it right and have this back, please.

Dear friends, forgive this barely coherent post. I was and remain aghast.

Your Best Pal,



  1. They can “put lipstick on a pig” all they want but it is still what it is underneath.

    Man are they working overtime with the push narrative that Harris - who never got one primary vote and dropped out early - is now some sort of overnight genius. Hmm, sounds like something else we’ve just heard from those who have covered for Biden for nearly four years….once the word was broadcast he was now, all of a sudden, to their surprised faces, unfit. Harris is a smokescreen.

  2. She's the most Polished Turd that's ever existed.....

  3. I don't know, LSP. The Republicans just opened their Convention with a prayer to some Asian idol whose disciples ritually smoke pot (like Rastas) and tomorrow they're hosting the leader of an anti-Christian cult to speak before Congress---and threatening to arrest elected officials who object to any of that. Add into that the GOP selling out to the Abortion Racketeers and the Log Cabin Republicans and nominating a VP who works for interests promoting transhumanism...

    I'm not too thrilled about what 'our side' is anointing either.

  4. The lower lip "lesion" looks like a reflection of the microphone off of lip gloss. Or it could be a herpetic outbreak from something she caught from Willie Brown's willy.

  5. A lot of truth in the above comments. Axios is going back and changing headlines to say that Kamala was never in charge of the border, in true Yezhov fashion.

    I appreciate the musical selection!

  6. Holy Jehosaphat, LSP - must I see that ugly, clownish face on every media outlet? Yes, she's a famous side-piece, outcall professional, and pass-around girl - now aged to the point where she can't do that for a living. Is it true that Willie Brown was the only black person in South Asian Kamala? I can't say. I'm not a genealogist.

  7. "What we have here, is here, not there but here, right? Because if it was there, it would not be here, it would be there instead of here. O.K.? And since it is here, we must hear what there is to be said about it, here and now, not there and then, which is later and somewhere else. Right? Huh-huh-huh-huh. Right? O.K."

  8. @WWW…heh. Scary true. Bongino played again today a Trump bit talking abiut Harris being a total lightweight and next to useless, then a parody…”Apparently she really likes yellow school buses.” Then mimicked her:

    “School buses are so nice, especially yellow school buses…I like school buses.”

    Unreal funny. But as with any good humor it is based in some truth, and she actually said this brain dump in 2022.

    Way to go Democrats, here is your candidate.

  9. I think Trump should have picked a better VP. He is listening to the wrong people again.
    Praise God for saving his life, though.

    And yes we must vote. Pray and vote for who God wants us to chose.

    You all be safe and God bless.

  10. You might well be right, Linda. God bless.

  11. It's just weird, Paul.And just you wait and see, millions upon millions will vote for this thing because... Democrat. Dear Lord.

  12. Exactly, Wild. The puppeteers are laughing.

  13. LL, every time I go to Youtube there's a Kamala ad. Yes, this is revolting.

  14. I saw the Axis thing, DOS. Ahem.

  15. I call herpetic outbreak, 'pewster.

  16. But drjim, let's not forget Hillary!

  17. They're such frauds, crooks and liars Paul.

  18. I was thinking that, WSF. Good call.

    Very unattractive, eh?
