Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Those Crazy Kids Are At It Again!


Those crazy kids are at it again! /pol:

Something wild is happening, bros. My dad just got back from the lumber yard in Minnesota, and I asked him how the crew was handling the news that ol’ joey had decided to hang up his campaign trail boots instead of running for office again.

He told me that, honestly, a lot of them had been leaning towards Trump for a while. Keyword: had. Now there's a buzz around the yard that's electric.

A lot of the guys are really pumped about Kamala stepping up as the new frontrunner. My dad said that even the yard's legendary prankster, Timber Tim, mentioned that he and his partner donated their entire tax refund to Kamalas campaign just yesterday.

Most of us thought he was setting up another of his classic jokes, but Timber Tim had the receipt to prove it. When the other guys saw that, many of them started pulling out their smartphones and making donations to Kamala too. I can't even begin to describe what the excitement is like here on the ground in Minnesota for Kamala Harris 2024. Ol' Oakland Kam got my vote.

Is the Cackling Whore not the best presidential candidate in the history of history? And don't even think about calling she/her a DEI hire because that would be racist, deeply racist. 

Yes, strange, weird and hideously racist rumours that Kamala Harris is worth a paltry $8MN are entirely unfounded. As are disgusting slurs that her people were a wealthy slave-trading operation in Jamaica. A rich tradition, which Kamala continued by imprisoning slave labor in California.

Just watch as tens of millions vote for this evil, stupid, babbling, incoherent excrescence because always vote Democrat. Like wow. Are you sure, punters, that universal franchise is a good thing? 

And while we're at it, if the Deep State, WEF, Illuminati Global World Order was as dangerous as we think it is, and they surely are, why would they choose such obviously rubbish puppets? Does Satan have a quality control issue?




  1. Gosh! That natural-sounding and obviously organic comment about a homosexual called “Timber Tim” has inspired me. I will now use my own smartphone to send a generous campaign donation to Vice President Harris. My excitement is electric. This is neither a jest nor a jape, to be entirely transparent. I am expressing my authentic sentiment.

  2. Harris? Now we have a new definition of "Deep Throat".

  3. Satan loves puppets. They are easy to control.
    And I see Blogger has changed the design of things. Annoying.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. I've seen dozens of testimonials like this on social media, and I'll take THINGS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN for $500, Alex. The testimonials about blue collar/trades guys flipping for Kambucha Harris are delusional fabrications, clearly authored by people who don't know a single person who works with their hands. The gaslight pedal is pushed right through the floor of the propoganda wagon.

  5. X2 Linda...Can't fix the galactically stupid, and Smokescreen Harris is laughing at how stupid some people are, sending her money. FOR WHAT EXACTLY? She's a nobody, only trotted out to try to bury the fact the Deep State and the guy who was forced out because he belongs in a Memory Care facility have their evil stained hands all over the July 13th tyranny.

    Timber Tim and his pals are probably the same people who were told to buy a garage full of TP due to a cold virus. EVERYBODY PANIC!..."Okey Dockey. Let's go to Costco and load on up our pick-em-up trucks." No different than taking your refund (Hey Tim! you need a new CPA if you are letting the gubmint use your money for a year.")

    Bucks County, formative years (one of the best places to grow up, farmers, good people, Colonial USA Central)...was Republican Traditional Conservative for nearly two century's, then the Northeast Philly Democrats went, "Oh, lookee how nice that place is, let's move there and change it to our liking." (aka. screw it up) Same story, different place. Heard on Stigall's show this morning that Bucks Country just turned back to Red, Trump signs everywhere. That's ONE.

    Anyone voting for Harris (or whoever The Dem Machine ultimately plugs into the ticket)...especially after the past 3 weeks: a) The Failed Assassination Attempt (by ONE friggin' millimeter...thank you Lord of Lords!), and b) The Democrat Coup - is complicit in the absolute trashing of our country...and need to be run out of town on a rail.

    More covfefe please...

  6. Unpossible that anyone "leaning Trump" would flip to Kamala just because Joe give it up.

  7. The low functioning ones are the easiest to pin incompetence on.

    Oh Minnesota… ya know the Bible has a lot about St. Paul but nothing about Minneapolis… must be a scholarly redaction:)

  8. Mike, I had to laugh. Sometimes /pol = gold.

  9. Very good point, Linda.

    Bless you.

  10. Exactly the /pol point, Herr Doktor.

    Man, you can't fire up a YouTube vid without a Kamala ad preface. So obnoxious. Maybe Elon can buy YT.

  11. Paul, Bucks county RED? Wow. Let's see more of that.

  12. Wild, it's a stupid PR campaign by the Kamala Whore PR crew. I like 4 chan's mockery.

    Timber Tim. Heh.

  13. Fr. Seamus, I have a friend (Dr. Swankenstein) in Minny. He wants to leave, and that's a shame, he fled Detroit and has to move again. Are all our major cities trashed?

    I can tell you this, I wouldn't want to in the DFW metrosprawl, and that's one of the better.
