Saturday, June 8, 2024

Well What Have We Here


A morbidly obese oddity who's the size of a Buick, behold Miss Alabama 2024. Let's zoom in on this new kegweight examplar of southern femininity:

Beautiful, isn't it, except it's not, and that's exactly the point. Destroy all objective value, truth itself, and arrive, apotheosis, at existential liberation from the bonds of oppression. Now, with Miss Alabama, wymxn are finally set free from slavery to look good.

Dam straight, you can win a beauty pageant even though you're fat and gross. Good call, ProgLeft, but is anyone fooled. Trot out all the obesity you like and call it beauty and see how far you go. Well, in this instance you'll destroy beauty pageants, in another, the Armed Forces, Judiciary, Press, Academe or the Episcopal Church. But even if the institutions are hollowed out, the truth remains.

spot the odd one out

Beautiful women are still beautiful, brave soldiers are brave regardless of the rainbow flags in their barracks, and on. Point being, you cannot destroy objective value even though you try your damndest to do so. Truth remains truth, regardless of the lies you tell. That in mind, at least Miss Alabama is actually a woman, unlike, say, Miss Maryland.

Your Pal,



  1. 'The size of a Buick.'---closer to the size of a Sherman tank.

  2. She is almost as wide as she is tall.

    I like chunky women, but they have to be proportional. That thing isn't. That thing could be seen as the epitome of beauty in the late Ottoman Empire. And that's the nicest thing I'll say about that thing.

    So wrong. So very wrong.

    And to stand there, so damned happy, thinking she's so beautiful, while next to her are so many other actually beautiful ladies. This is right up there with that swimming boy or the running boys in women's sports.

    I... I just can't accept this as part of reality. What dark black hole did we fall into? (Rhetorical question, and the answer is Progressivism, which bears little to no comparison to the actual truth.)

  3. Beans,
    I hear you. I was going to do a whole post on this story, but just couldn't...there's something radically wrong with this society, I think that it goes beyond Progressive/ Conservative at this point, it's like there's some kind of mass-psychosis going on.

    As for the Ottomans, they might have used her to blockade the Bosporus, but that's about it.

  4. The big issue is constant confusion that is now offered as normal and shined like a laser beam on young minds and spirits.

    If I showed this to the 12 - 14 year olds I teach a quarter of them would defend it vociferously. When I was that age half a century ago all of us would think it was fake.

  5. Don't show any pictures of the swim suit competition please! You know this is all a conspiracy by the fabric industry to sell more yardage.

  6. I suspect I may be unclear about the intent of the event, and they may be too. The old forms take on new content. This old form is about to take on a content of toast.

  7. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Ye cats! There is not enough bleach in all of Christendom to erase the sight of that...that...abominable mass of avordupois! And in 'Bama, of all places? I could see some place like San Francisco, but you can't tell me that sort of anti-beauty plays well in Opelika!

  8. John says that he's spoken for, but maybe James would have an interest in adding a beauty queen to the family? There's a lot of love there, LSP.

  9. "How can love survive in such a graceless age?"

  10. Not at all surprising. We’ve ceded the creation and control of our popular culture to bitter, resentment-filled wretched persons who (despite their babble about “body positivity”) know that they’re ugly. Can you be surprised that such wretched unfortunates want to destroy the very concept of objective beauty? (And honor, and courage, and personal integrity.)

    An example, you say? How about Leslye (“too homely to molest”) Headlund, Harvey Weinstein’s long term personal assistant, who is now busily destroying what’s left of StarWars.

  11. Thank you for a lovely picture of Melania! I see that the schoolmarm's squeeze has had to call early elections in France. I also see that the EU elections did not go well as our overlords had hoped in Germany, Belgium and Italy. One can hope that the UK goes the same way in July.

  12. Ms Alabama bears a striking resemblance to famed tranny Gorlock the Destroyer, if you know you know.

  13. Turns out this is from a different pageant, but easily confused.

  14. Hi LSP,
    She??... may have won the contest... still, I couldn't care less.... however, 'have few questions....
    what is her naked, on a scale, weight, height and BMI????
    Next... What is her resting Blood Pressure??? Can you even get a cuff on her arm!!!!!??,
    How fast can she run the 100 yard dash?? the "440!!!!!"
    Has she had a "Physical" lately, what does her "Blood Work" look like... especially the HDL's. LDL.s... you know, that group?? I can go on...
    5 'll get ya' 10 that she will be dead meat by 50 if not sooner... ad I pity her Embalmer or whoever Cremates her........
    End of rant...


    1. Yes there ARE blood pressure cuffs big enough for Miss AL’s arm. They’re cuffs designed for the (normal person’s) thigh. (There are also teeny pediatric cuffs, and several sizes in between, because to get accurate readings, the cuff must be sized to the arm. And the arm supported, and the cuff at/near heart level, etc. But I digress.)

      Anyway, the problem isn’t finding a big enough cuff, it’s the shape of the upper arm. Most people have an upper arm that’s basically a cylinder. No matter how manly your biceps are. But really obese people often have an upper arm more like a cone [1]. You can put a cuff around it, but when you inflate the cuff, it just sides down to the elbow. Grrrr.

      [1] technically the frustum of a cone, but you get the idea.

  15. Mr. Beans, proportion is key. Bauty, Truth and all of that.

    Back in the day people understood that. We've devolved since then.

    So welcome to the new barbarism, way worse than the old one. At least the pagan heathen had the excuse of ignorance, and you'll note they were often more virtuous than the modern equivalent.

  16. "they might have used her to blockade the Bosporus"

    NW, I may have to quote you.

  17. Whoa... really, Seamus? That's most disheartening.

    But bear in mind, all this came on in a flash. It can disappear in a flash likewise. And it will, evil always does.

  18. Mr. Pewster, I am, as of this moment, resisting the heady urge to post swimsuits.

  19. Ritchie, it's what they do. Like a parasite, hollow out and destroy the host.

  20. Now that, LL, is another matter again.

  21. Right at the heart of the matter, Wild.

    Nice one.

  22. Good call, Mike.

    Forgive repetition, but have a look at CS Lewis' Abolition of Man and then That Hideous Strength, its more perfect brother.

    And then Dostoevsky's Devils, prescient, what?

    Point being, these people are nihilists, true revolutionists, they hate value itself and use every opportunity to beat it down. Witness Fatty Alabama.

  23. Is the tide turning< DOS? Hope so.

  24. Swankenstein! Yet again, you must report yourself.

  25. Yes, Ritchie, it is confusing, very.

  26. Skybill, in answer:

    Thy. Want. Us. Dead.

  27. My dear Mike_C,

    The life of a medical professional must be incredibly frustrating! Yes, but just imagine being someone who dared to believe in truth and beauty while living in today's Alabama. I can, I drove through that state on the way to Ft. Benning. Not unlike Detroit, but rural.

  28. Truth remains truth, regardless of the lies you tell.

    ty sums up past four yrs entirely
