Thursday, June 6, 2024



Do you remember when, what, 51 top US spies told the world that Hunter Biden's crack-whoretop was Russian disinfo, planted by GRU to interfere with our totally free and fair elections? Sure you do. There it was, yet more proof that Trump was and is a Kremlin agent. Fast forward to today.

The venerable crack-whore laptop's telling it's nasty story in a court of law and lo and behold, it wasn't a shameless plant, it's the real deal. Hunter got wasted, a lot, bought a gun illegally, made out with whores, and made a whole lotta cash while he was at it. And at it he was, smoking down that sweet, sweet crack every 20 minutes while raking in the money.

At least that's what his GF at the time says, and why should we doubt her. Maybe Hunter didn't give the poor girl enough money. More seriously, will all the senior spooks who lied and ran election interference in 2020 and beyond be held accountable? 

Don't be stupid, of course they won't. My money, and guinea on the monkey, is no, they will not. Of course we know who their Father is, he was a lying murderer from the beginning.

Still, Your Call,



  1. The Biden Regime (and their offspring) are scum. Now Joe just squats and releases wherever he is. Emblematic.

  2. I pray for our country. I kept having a dream the last couple of weeks....something about "The Third Moon In October"....


  3. When the Hunter Biden story first broke, the investigators were looking into shady contract dealings that Junior was carrying out with Big Pharma and some Ukrainian contractors. Then the Russians found some of those labs and concluded that they might have been developing bioweapons.

    That whole part of the 'scandal' disappeared from the news (and the investigations) rather quickly and now it is about guns, drugs, sex, etc.---none of which will amount to anything. I hate to say this, but this is about as much of a sham-trial as Trump's was, except that Biden probably won't be convicted of anything. He has too much on too many people.

  4. If you want to find traitors taking foreign money to compromise our country, you just posted as list of 5 prime suspects.

  5. Drjim: Why not?

    Now as to that bunch of traitors who number 51, being part of the deep state means never having to say you're sorry.

    And I have a shiny new dime says Hunter will walk, as in, either he goes Scott free or at worst gets probation. And if he does get convicted, Daddy will pardon him after the election.

  6. drjim, we live in strange and terrifying times.

  7. I totally agree, Nightwind.

  8. WSF, we have to wonder, how deep does the corruption go? Very, even I can see it and I'm no expert. Mind you, they're hardly bothering to hide anymore.

  9. I wager you're right, Wild. And NW's on point, yet another sham trial.
