Thursday, April 4, 2024

Wandering Around


So whaddya do on Easter Tuesday? Train El Diacono to say the Mass, well done. Then wander through the sylvan boulevards of Olde Tejas to the Square. Take that in, in all its Confederate monument glory, and note the Gold Nugget Pawn's new signage.

Well done, boys, long may you reign. But what's this? Texan Pride? Is that some kind of rainbow thing? No, it is not. Reassured, glance into the shopfront of "Alterations" and spot a pink glitter mushroom. Hunh. Some kind of disco scene perhaps. And next door?

The newly opened Ember Cigar Lounge, promising fine wines, bourbon and, of course, cigars. Now, I don't even like cigars, as a rule, but ventured in to see what it was all about. And, per Ember's marketing it was about "Tradition, Honor, Excellence." Bold call, did Hill County's first cigar lounge live up to promise? 

Sure it did, in a North Central Texan Exclusion Zone kind of way. Plenty of cigars, which are traditional for a cigar lounge, and I'm sure many of them were excellent and sold honorably, give or take, fair play. Overall ambiance? Not bad at all, with some big boys turning up half-way through, so I had fun for an hour or so. But will the "high-end-cigar-bar" concept take off on the town square.

Maybe it will and I hope it does, after all, there's plenty of lawyers congregated in the townsquare hub of this county seat and hey, we could all do with a civilized place to meet and drink in the center of town, such as it is. Whatever, the guys who run this new setup have a good vision and I hope it succeeds, we'll see.

In the meanwhile, I've promised them photos from St. James and Clubland next week.

Ad Solem,



  1. I've given up on my city's core. Between Globohomo bullscat and 'Go Gator' stuff with the addition of our city government reinventing the city seal, logo, design, slogan, colors (a taste the rainbow...) to the tune of a couple million smackeroos a year or so while pleading low funds, yeah. Visions of riding third in an armored column and doing a thunder run through main street (since they got rid of the Confederate Memorial, the rat bastids, because it upset the self-proclaimed communists that run the city and used to run the universidad before America's Governer, Ron DeathSantis himself, kicked that anthill of pinko commie swine open and used a flammenwerfer to clean part of it up) and doing a Great Reset to this Berkeley-of-the-South.

    A man can dream, can't he?

    Yours looks very nice to walk in early spring or late fall. But looks like only mad dogs and Englishmen (or former Englishmen) would purposefully walk around in high summer outside of late at night.

  2. Not a cigar guy either, but it's good when people come up with an idea and see it to fruition.

  3. How did you get a copy of my 3rd grade assignment?

  4. Mr. Beans, forgive my late reply, I've been in England and purposely didn't touch the wretched laptop. Disclaimer over, sorry to hear about Globohomo commies destroying your town, seems to be a trend, eh?

    And yes, this small rural haven, which hasn't been completely asset-stripped by our beloved rulers, is pleasant to walk about early spring, late fall. In between is mad dog territory, not least because the genius patrol who run this place got rid of the shade trees. Concrete contracts all 'round.

  5. I hope they succeed, DOS. Very pricey though, which is foolish, imo. As in -- they're charging MORE than Dallas prices, or even central London's. Still, good to see some life on the Square.

  6. Herr Doktor, my sources are inviolate.
