Monday, March 25, 2024

The Archdeacon Of Racist Drivel


Archdeacon Miranda Threlfall-Holmes blasted "whiteness" and "patriarchy" on social media last week, stating:

I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender. So yes, let’s have anti whiteness, & let’s smash the patriarchy. That’s not anti-white, or anti-men, it’s anti-oppression.


Threlfall-Holmes is Archdeacon of Liverpool. Keen-eyed readers will notice zhe's white. And you can read about the venerable if shrinking COE's obsession with racism and white middle class self-loathing here and here  and here.

Please, someone, anyone, make this dropped-on-head-as-infant drivel stop.




  1. I'm not sure we can at this point... sigh

  2. What would Jesus (a white male) say about the Archdeacon?

  3. I would go off on a multi-paragraph rant-essay, but I gave up swearing and calling scrunts like the arch-demon bad names. (Oh, Beans, you just didn't, did you? So say 40 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers and 2 Apostles Creeds and, oh, heck, just read the whole Bible out loud cover to cover, in English only, as last time you did that a minor outbreak of demons occurred when you mispronounced Church Latin...)

    So fill in three or four paragraphs of your favorite bad-word bingo and end with the now-obligatory "Klause, bring me the flammenwerfer!"

    Share and Enjoy!

  4. Despising someone's race and gender elevates her in what way? Enhances her commitment to God and saving souls? Fosters what community?

    At some point she will, as all of us will, face judgement. Perhaps Satan will embrace her.

  5. Channeling the likes of Noel Ignatiev (and Susan Sontag, Tim Wise, etc; it’s all so tiresome) is she?

    As a hick Colonial I’m already put off by the hyphenated surname (Holy dogshit, Private Inbred! Only toffs and negroes have hyphenated surnames, and it’s pretty clear which you are!), but “the content of her character” is so much worse. As to Ignatiev, Wikipedia begins its entry on him with the following, apparently UNironically:

    “Noel Ignatiev (/ɪɡˈnætiɛv/, born Noel Saul Ignatin; December 27, 1940 – November 9, 2019) was an American author and historian, as well as an anti-racist.[3] He was best known for his theories on race and for his call to abolish "whiteness". Ignatiev was the co-founder of the New Abolitionist Society and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor, which promoted the idea that "treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity".[4] He was also a communist.”

    An “anti-racist” was he? I despise the hypocrisy, the twisting of words and meanings. Although I’m increasingly of the opinion that only I think it’s hypocrisy. The other side truly do not think they’re hypocritical.

  6. Good comments WSF. Her stance here may make her look good to her fellow self-loathing Anglican clergy, but it won't hold much water at her particular judgement.

  7. "The key to solving the social problems of our time is to abolish the White race. If you are a white male, you don't deserve to live. You are a cancer. You should kill yourself. It's the right thing to do."

    Noel Ignatiev

  8. I went to seminary in the 90’s with loads of these folks. It made me more conservative and patriarchal in response. On a lighter note: where is the militia chaplain when you need him?

  9. NFO, I think it'll take a miraculous movement of the spirit and perhaps catastrophe.

  10. Good question, LL. Would it run like his encounter with the badly heretical Samaritan woman at the well or would she count as a pharisee?

  11. Beans, rant away!

    And for goodness sake, I'm being polite, this drivel's getting right outta hand.

  12. She clearly feels very guilty, WSF. Maybe she should start feeling guilty about being a dam heretic and a Marxist.

  13. Ah, Mike, good name spotting! I was going to comment but held fire, good work.

    I despise the hypocrisy too. Note, Satan's the Father of Lies, and a murderer from the beginning.

  14. Or, DOS, with rank and file COE people, not that there's many left.

  15. That's the one, Swankenstein.

  16. PS. Dear readers, don't you think this wimyxn priestess attractive? Sorry, maybe that's just me.
